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How many shot opportunities?

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I will say this, there are far more deer over 140 than I think most people will ever realize. In fact, I have never set a trail camera in an area where I didn't eventually get one. That doesn't mean they are killable, or even see-able. Most deer that get to 140" are nocturnal, except for one or two days a year where a doe will make them show themselves in daylight hours. Seeing, let alone killing a truly "mature" deer is not easy when done fairly. There are essentially three time frames to get it done; early season feeding pattern, the rut, and late season if the weather gets horrible and you can find or build the food source.

Sorry, but I just don't buy the idea of 140" being the minimum for many. I think 140" of antler is a heck of a lot more than most folks realize when viewing from a tree.


Junior Member
I won't argue any of the points above, all valid. I just know what the locals have said to me. Some guys are lucky, some guys are good, and some good guys get lucky a lot. Another friend I have from Jersey came out last year and hunted some private land in Pike and had a 150 in front of him, too thick to get a shot at him though. Another guy in my party I was hunting with saw a 140 on public land. Just from driving around down there and doing a lot of walking, those hills are tough. They're built for deer, not people. Ohio has the genes that it only takes a good genetic deer to get into the 130s at 3.5. Like you said Brock, I don't see it being far fetched that a lot of these deer see 4.5 fairly easily. I won't say 140, but I think you guys that live in the SE part of the state that know what you're doing are getting shots at P&Y deer every year. My buddy bought his ground in 07 and last year was the first year they didn't kill a deer over 125, on only 70 acres. He's gotten pictures of a deer every year 140 or better.

And yes Brock, from a tree, a 125 is HUGE! To me anyway! I've been lucky since 08. I've gotten a shot opportunity at something I would have shot every year. 08 was a 110ish, 09 a 130, '10 a 120, and last year the 110 I killed. I've only seen one deer over 130 while hunting, my entire life.


*Supporting Member*
I agree, 140s are a lot more common than folks realize. I would say very few places in Ohio don't have a 140 traveling thru or living on em....Now killable? Thats a different story .
I will say this, there are far more deer over 140 than I think most people will ever realize. In fact, I have never set a trail camera in an area where I didn't eventually get one. That doesn't mean they are killable, or even see-able. Most deer that get to 140" are nocturnal, except for one or two days a year where a doe will make them show themselves in daylight hours. Seeing, let alone killing a truly "mature" deer is not easy when done fairly. There are essentially three time frames to get it done; early season feeding pattern, the rut, and late season if the weather gets horrible and you can find or build the food source.

Sorry, but I just don't buy the idea of 140" being the minimum for many. I think 140" of antler is a heck of a lot more than most folks realize when viewing from a tree.


*Supporting Member*
II am also surprised by how many people set their goals at 140. Especially if you haven't killed any or just one or two decent deer...Its a especially lofty goal. A lot of people myself included say 140...but given a slam dunk on a mid 130s would jump all over it.


Senior Member
One thing that needs to be understood is perception......I know a lot of guys who see 140s-160s all the time, according to them....Then shoot the first 120 inch deer they get within 30 yards. point being, they are not seeing deer as big as they think.... Peoples field judging skills are often times a little off base, not everyone, but a lot of people! SO when people say to you, "I just saw a 160 this morning." Consider the source....... It was probably a 125.


*Supporting Member*
Fo shizzle . I take most people's word with a grain of salt...Usually its wrong or exaggerated.
[QS UOTE=Kaiser878;183044]One thing that needs to be understood is perception......I know a lot of guys who see 140s-160s all the time, according to them....Then shoot the first 120 inch deer they get within 30 yards. point being, they are not seeing deer as big as they think.... Peoples field judging skills are often times a little off base, not everyone, but a lot of people! SO when people say to you, "I just saw a 160 this morning." Consider the source....... It was probably a 125.[/QUOTE]


Junior Member
Anyone with a clue knows there's no mistaking a 160. The 160 is the one that makes you poop your pants immediately! The 130 is just the one that gives you the jitters!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
You would be surprised how many 120s get proclaimed 150s.....Even after they are shot!!!!

I agree 100%. So many people overestimate score on the hoof, it's ridiculous. A friend of mine that owns a deer farm even overestimates 90% of the time...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I agree 100%. So many people overestimate score on the hoof, it's ridiculous. A friend of mine that owns a deer farm even overestimates 90% of the time...

Easy to overestimate. I have been guilty. I don't try to exaggerate. It is simply not easy to score them all the time. Takes a lot of practice. Hats off to those of you with this skill!

Add in adrenaline and small window to size them up from the stand and many are overestimated. Spot on JB and Kaiser.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member

Easy to overestimate. I have been guilty. I don't try to exaggerate. It is simply not easy to score them all the time. Takes a lot of practice. Hats off to those of you with this skill!

Add in adrenaline and small window to size them up from the stand and many are overestimated. Spot on JB and Kaiser.

I should have clarified a bit. I have been guilty of overestimating score as well. I think it's really easy to do when you're in the heat of the moment... or when you just catch a glimpse of a buck... Your mind, being naturally optimistic, will start convincing you that it was 18-20" wide but 20 sounds better, that those tines had to be 12" when they were actually 9 or 10, etc. etc. It's very easy to overestimate score. This is somewhat different than exaggerating score. A lot of guys know deep down that what they saw was a certain size, but then feel the need to exaggerate it to their buddies. lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Right on JB. From the stand that 9" vs 12" or 20" vs 18" wide is easy to do if you only get a few seconds to size them up. Once dead though, yeah, different story. hahah

I think this is the point though. How many guys think it is 24" wide and has 12" G2 and G3's in the stand when in all reality it was 19" wide and 8" tines? Darn nice deer either way, but if not well practiced in scoring i think a lot of guys assume 140 or even a "Booner". You know they look wider if given the rear view of the antlers. I wonder how many of these missed encounters are really 120" deer? Probably a large majority.


Senior Member
I should have clarified a bit. I have been guilty of overestimating score as well. I think it's really easy to do when you're in the heat of the moment... or when you just catch a glimpse of a buck... Your mind, being naturally optimistic, will start convincing you that it was 18-20" wide but 20 sounds better, that those tines had to be 12" when they were actually 9 or 10, etc. etc. It's very easy to overestimate score. This is somewhat different than exaggerating score. A lot of guys know deep down that what they saw was a certain size, but then feel the need to exaggerate it to their buddies. lol

I agree with Jimbo. Everyone makes mistakes.....Thats one reason I love cams so much...Typically I know what deer it is at first glance.....It has saved a few deer over the years....ALso saving me from shooting a deer I didtn wanna take.....Sometiems you dont have time to age a deer when things are happening fast..Nor can you appropriately guess the score of a deer in a matter of seconds....WHen its borderline its next to impossible in the heat of the moment... What I was referring to earlier were the deer that are 20-30 inches smaller than the individual tells his story on....


Senior Member
Ina Duck Blind
Trying to only shoot deer 140" or better..... I may get one chance between 3 states a year. I will see several a year tho.... just no shot. Working in the hunting industry ive heard ALOT of stories and been on track jobs for 150's that barely made p&y. Theres very few people I truely believe when they say I saw a solid 150 this morning. I love watching the guessing game on trail cam pics on sites.... Im usually low bc i tend to look at net score. I have been wrong before though and shot a buck I didnt want to last year, passed him at 9am knowing he was 125-130..... that night 15 mins before last light he looked mid 30's! Def disappointed but this was an outta state hunt without pics of the deer and quick guessing (excuses lol)


Junior Member
I got this thread off track! I'm a lucky one. I have a pretty good knack for nailing a deer within 5 inches, barring it's a typical. I got a good look at the one I shot last year and told my buddy on the phone it was around 110. He taped out at 110 5/8...

My bosses kid shot a monster the first day of youth gun last year. I asked how big and he said 180 or better. I said no way... He showed me pictures and I just was astonished. I said to him, I bet you that deer goes over 200. He said well, I kinda thought that too, but it's hard to gauge when they're that big. I looked at the pics better and told him for sure that deer would gross over 200. He went 214 and change when they had it officially scored.