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How many shot opportunities?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Haven't seen a 125" or better buck while on stand since I shot mine back in 2003..... Just don't have them around in any numbers in the areas that I have permission for, or at least any that will show up on video.... Maybe they're all just camera shy.......


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Hunting down in SE Ohio I would say that I generally have about 1-2 good opportunities a year for a 125+ deer within bow range. Getting them in a position for a shot or being ready when they show up is another story.

No doubt. That is why I said encounters. lol


*Supporting Member*
Every year is getting better for me, last year I passed a few bucks around 120ish. I got a shot at a 140s three years ago, and FUGGED it up, haunted me since!

I am focusing on bigger deer this year, but if I see a 130+ realistically from the stand for me itll look a hell of a lot bigger haha!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
In the last 8-10 years I have had 1-2 shot opportunities per year at a 140 plus. In the previous 10 years I only over saw 2 or 3 bucks that would make 140. I went through a 3 year stretch where I had shot opportunities on 160 to 180 plus inch deer. Those 3 years will probably never happen again.

I would estimate a half dozen shot opportunities per year on bucks between 80 and 115 inches, and maybe 1 or 2 on bucks between 115 and 135 inches. A solid 135 inch deer is a damn good deer in most peoples eyes.

Very true statement!

Monster Raxx

Junior Member
I have been lucky to hunt a couple of states the last few years which has increased my chances at good bucks. But seeing a good buck and everything working out to get a shot opportunity especially while filming can some times be two completely different things. Last year I had a 160" and easily a 180" buck in bow range while in Kansas and there was just a black cloud with me. The 160" I lost the coin toss and was the camera man while it walked broad side at 20 yards from me and the 180" came in while I was setting up my camera to self film and I never got a chance to even shoot. I had a 170's coming in Buffalo County Wisconsin while on a field edge only to have to neighbor walk the property line at Prime Time and blow that deer off the field, he was 60 yards and closing on my decoy set up :( In Minnesota I had 4 opportunities at bucks between 125"-140" but I was holding out for 2 bucks that never gave me an opportunity. I did however shoot a 123" 3 1/2 year old during gun season while self filming that came in quick and looked bigger than he was.


*Supporting Member*
90% of the time I get a chance at a 140+ during bow season...My last few seasons other than last yr I have blown some great opportunity . Moving last yr put me at a disadvantage but I am slowly gaining access and learning areas. I expect to get a shot at a 140 this yr...long as I don't get antsy and shoot a 130's first.


Junior Member
The farms I hunt in perry county I may get 1-2 chances a year 140 or better. Now the farm the hunt in fairfield county is differant story. It is well managed by us and the neighbors. I pass alot of 120-130 during the course of the season. Last year I had no shot with 50 yards of 140 or better. Seen several but no closer than 70 yards. Now the year before I had 3 differant 140 plus on me in 3 days, and I killed that 3rd one. Pretty sure I posted it here.
In the area that I usually bowhunt, the genetics are poor, so seeing a 120+ buck is a slim chance. Definately nothing over 140s...so, if you get a "decent" buck in front of you and have a good shot, you'd better take it.

In the fall of '10, during the 3rd week of October, I had an eight pointer walk under my stand. His antlers were not past his ears, but he had a decent body size. As he walked by, he stopped at 12 yards at a slight angle to the right and I aimed high and back on the ribs. The shot took out both lungs and he ran within 120 yards of my house.

The next day I was in my stand wondering if I'd see "bullwinkle" walk by. :smiley_depressive: I seen 4 other bucks during the remainder of the season and he was the biggest of the bunch.

Last year was different. I kept passing bucks and the next one was bigger than the last...but there were no shot opportunities. It's called hunting, not getting. :smiley_blink: Bottom Line: Shoot what you want and be happy with what you get.



You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I'd say I get anywhere between 1-4 close encounters with 120" deer and up each year. These are not necessarily shot opportunities but encounters within bow range. I hunt SW and SE areas. I usually at least see one 140+ most seasons but that includes going to my set,hunting and leaving my set.

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
Hunting in the hills i usually only get 1 chance at a shooter in my eyes per season. I guess that would be a 120-135 but numbers dont matter to me. I know when its the one when i get the opportunity.

Shoulder Blade

Junior Member
I hunt NE OH and I typically get one shot at a +140in deer during the 1-1.5 weeks I take off. The rest is up to me. As we all know the shot can come at any minute of the day. I have been known to hesitate on a less than perfect shot and it has cost me “deerly”:smiley_crocodile:. Shots can be as easy as watching him make his way gingerly down an open trail, or as difficult as damn near yelling at him to get him to stop while he is doggin a doe. In the later instance, you better be ready when he stops ‘cause it won’t be for long.

My style is very similar to Mountaineer; no cameras or early intrusions, hunting traditionally high probability big buck areas dawn to dusk during the rut as many days as I can take. I do not enjoy early season hunting. There is something about rutted up bucks that I enjoy. Early season red coats and skiny necks don’t float my boat.

For the preparation, I eat very little during these days (input = output), take one Imodium AD a day to eliminate having to drop a deuce while on the stand. I read that on another forum and it really helps slow down the entire digestion process. With these strategies, opportunities at 125's are very frequent and it is not uncommon to pass them daily.

I have been gifted with some tremendous places thru the years where I literally could expect 150-180 deer at any time. I don't even want to run cameras ‘cause I would then know what I was missing out on.

Recently I have benefitted from getting out there and hitting it hard right up to the end of the season. It is amazing how much time we really have to hunt if you want!

Last year I started practicing shooting around the time bow opened. The shops are not as busy during the season especially during the weekend and I get service if needed very quickly. Starting the season a bit late also helps me from burning out early. I have suffered from this before when I was young. That was before I knew of the October lull. I hunted so hard early I couldn’t make it to the rut, was plain dejected.

Over the years I have learned to keep my expectations grounded while preparing as hard as I can.

Good luck everyone
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Junior Member
Hunting down in SE Ohio I would say that I generally have about 1-2 good opportunities a year for a 125+ deer within bow range. Getting them in a position for a shot or being ready when they show up is another story.

That's surprising to hear. Guys I talk to down there, locals, say they won't shoot a deer during bow season unless it's a 140. I've seen the deer since hunting there from 07 on. The entire SE portion of the state is littered with 140s. My buddy gets at least one picture of one every year on 70 measly acres.

As for me, I've had shots at a 100 inch deer every year I've hunted here. Never seen anything above 120 while on stand really. One 140+ across a ravine, slug distance. Missed a 130 in ND in 09. I'm still looking for my first Ohio encounter with a P&Y deer. This year it's happening on public ground though!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That's surprising to hear. Guys I talk to down there, locals, say they won't shoot a deer during bow season unless it's a 140. I've seen the deer since hunting there from 07 on. The entire SE portion of the state is littered with 140s. My buddy gets at least one picture of one every year on 70 measly acres.

As for me, I've had shots at a 100 inch deer every year I've hunted here. Never seen anything above 120 while on stand really. One 140+ across a ravine, slug distance. Missed a 130 in ND in 09. I'm still looking for my first Ohio encounter with a P&Y deer. This year it's happening on public ground though!

Doesn't sound like the hills you are hunting are "littered" with 140"ers. Maybe you think there are more around than there are? A true 140" deer is not at all common. I've shot quite a few 140"ers that shrunk to 125s when I put the tape on 'em!


Junior Member
Doesn't sound like the hills you are hunting are "littered" with 140"ers. Maybe you think there are more around than there are? A true 140" deer is not at all common. I've shot quite a few 140"ers that shrunk to 125s when I put the tape on 'em!

The area's we frequent they are. They're smart though, and it's tough to hunt them in small confines of no acreage. SE Ohio isn't a popular destination for 125s. I really wished I lived down there so I could test it out for myself. A traditional, old timer I talked to two years ago said there isn't a year that goes by that he doesn't see a 150 on public ground.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
The area's we frequent they are. They're smart though, and it's tough to hunt them in small confines of no acreage. SE Ohio isn't a popular destination for 125s. I really wished I lived down there so I could test it out for myself. A traditional, old timer I talked to two years ago said there isn't a year that goes by that he doesn't see a 150 on public ground.

Does he go by the name Coonskinner?


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I'm not so sure I've ever even SEEN a deer better than 125. much less had a shot at one. I've passed a couple dinks and forkhorns though:smiley_coolpeace:


Well-Known Member
The area's we frequent they are. They're smart though, and it's tough to hunt them in small confines of no acreage. SE Ohio isn't a popular destination for 125s. I really wished I lived down there so I could test it out for myself. A traditional, old timer I talked to two years ago said there isn't a year that goes by that he doesn't see a 150 on public ground.

I've been hunting the hill of SE Ohio for 25 years and haven't killed a 140 yet. I must suck.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I've been hunting the hill of SE Ohio for 25 years and haven't killed a 140 yet. I must suck.

Lol... He never said he shot any 140s, Schu... just that he sees them.

In impala's defense, I would somewhat agree with what he's saying. I've been hunting SE Ohio (Morgan, Perry, Hocking Counties) for one week a year, for the past 10 years... and there hasn't been a SINGLE year where at least one person in our group hasn't seen a 140 or better. Some years it's one or two, other years we've seen half a dozen in one week. Have we killed any over 140 down there?... No... But we always see at least one. And this is ALL on public land by the way. Thing is, this thread isn't about deer sightings, it's about shot opportunities.