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How many times have you been checked by a wildlife officer


Senior Member
Back in the day we bow hunted the Tappan Lake area - wlo told us if we wanted to carry a side arm it was ok with him - wtf
LOL, I guess he didn't have much faith in your ability to defend yourself with your bow and arrow.

I've only been checked two times, once right after trailering my boat. a safety check, but he did check my livewell which had a limit of Saugeye in it. he was more interested in finding out how I caught them than counting my life jackets, lol. the only time I've been checked while hunting was in a parking lot. I was bowhunting during ML season in a bowhunting only area. GW checked everyone that came out of the woods to make sure they had their orange. I had my orange, but he gave me a rash of shit for not having my hunting license pinned to the back of my nice GoreTex hunting coat, which actually was the law then. got off with a warning and an earful about how that makes his job harder. he was a churlish prick.
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Well-Known Member
Nw oh
Once I was 15 years old didn't have a drivers liscence. I just parked my 16 yr old friends suv picking him up from a deer drive. He checked both our youth hunting liscences and deer tags. Said have a good one and was off.


Once while sitting in my truck eating lunch in a downpour during gun season. He was nice enough but his dumb ass was the one standing out in the rain going over my papers while I sat in the truck with the heat on

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
LOL, I guess he didn't have much faith in your ability to defend yourself with your bow and arrow.

I've only been checked two times, once right after trailering my boat. a safety check, but he did check my livewell which had a limit of Saugeye in it. he was more interested in finding out how I caught them than counting my life jackets, lol. the only time I've been checked while hunting was in a parking lot. I was bowhunting during ML season in a bowhunting only area. GW checked everyone that came out of the woods to make sure they had their orange. I had my orange, but he gave me a rash of shit for not having my hunting license pinned to the back of my nice GoreTex hunting coat, which actually was the law then. got off with a warning and an earful about how that makes his job harder. he was a churlish prick.

Wanted us to shoot dogs

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Several times. First time I was walking home after a muzzle loading hunt. I was just a kid, maybe 16. Snow a foot deep, wind blowing, miserable day. Pickaway county.
Once I started hunting in Fayette County, it was at least once a year for the first ten years. We have a new WO now. He’s only checked me once but came into the woods where I had snuck within 75 yards of a bedded buck I intended to put a slug through. He marched in, ran the buck off. I wasn’t too happy about that. I didn’t kill that deer for another 11 months, but I did kill him.
I’ve only been checked once while hunting in Highland County.
I’ve been checked quite a few times while fishing. There was an officer waiting at the ramp at Wild Wings this weekend. She checked out licenses and read the number on my fish counter, confirmed with a look into the live well and went on her way. I e never been harassed by an officer with the exception of that one in Fayette county years ago. That guy was serious about his job. We could use more like him.


The reason they came to my house was because I bought a NR license earlier in the year to coyote hunt and then a resident license once I was in the state for 6 months. Even after I showed him when my house recorded, he still insisted on being an ass. So because I followed the law, I was guilty of something...

The reason he came to my house was the dick thought I tagged the deer for someone else. Since I was in college I was rarely home except for the weekends here and there. My dad told the GW that like half dozen times, that im not home during the week. My dad was sick of the guy showing up at his house parking in the drive several times a week during my dads lunch break. I literally drove home from Kent at noon on random week day and met the guy in my driveway, . The interview which was recorded in his truck last like a hour where he asked me the same questions over and over again. I wasn't lying so my story never changed, he was getting frustrated and finally he blurted out "did you kill that deer or tag it for someone else?" I'm like "I shot it" he said okay and never heard from him again weirdest shit ever, all because I bought a tag on Thanksgiving day and killed a basket rack buck 2 hours later.


Supporting Member
Ross County
How did that work out ?

The WO had the sheriffs watching over the property for a few days afterwards trying to catch those that were poaching. I do not know what became of it at the end, but you can bank on it though that I will continue to call them each and every time I see any wrong doing in my neck of the woods.
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Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
Twice. Once was GW was walking around in the wood checking for license and tag. Second , he gave me a ticket for not wearing orange vest during muzzleloader season. I mailed the money order in so I wouldn’t have to go to the court to pay the fine. $105


Senior Member
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A bunch leaving the river years ago. Quite a few checks during gun season. I can't remember being checked for probably 15 years hunting or fishing. I did receive a ticket in 2004 for no plug in a shotgun that wasn't being used. I had already killed my buck and was trying to take a doe with the muzzeloader. I had the shotgun in the back as an extra gun that day. There were 8 of us doing drives. The screwed up thing is on this particular drive I actually stayed in the truck dropping people off and picking people up cus it was a small woods. When I picked dad up on the other side, a special investigator pulled up and checked me and Dad. He was actually looking for another local crew who were famous roadhunters. He inspected Dad's gun then asked to see mine. I handed him the ML and he asked for the shotgun. I about shit when he said it wasnt plugged. Pissed me off cuz I argued for 30 minutes knowing I hadn't used that gun. And he even acknowledged that he seen me stay in the truck that whole push.

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
Dozens of times....mostly deer hunting in Jersey but was checked once in Ohio, once in PA and once in NY while bow hunting. Also checked a few times while trout fishing and during duck season in Jersey. Got a ticket in Jersey for hunting early....it was 7:55 opening day of pheasant and the starting time was 8:00. I had the double barrel over my shoulder while walking to a field that was a couple hundred yards into the woods. I told him I was walking to the field but not hunting yet...I wanted to be at the field by 8. Went to court and beat it. He actually told the judge that had I jumped a pheasant on the way to the field, he was sure I would’ve shot it. I told the judge that I didn’t think it was right to be issued a ticket based on an assumption of what someone else “thought” I would do. The judge agreed with me and chewed the wardens ass pretty well. Got another ticket in NY that I didn’t beat....I came out of the woods during deer season around lunch time and leaned my shotgun against my truck while putting my gear away. The warden rolled up on me and asked if the gun was loaded. I said yes and he then wrote me a ticket for a loaded gun in a vehicle. Sad part is, I saw the warden coming a long ways off but didn’t think I was breaking the law. The judge in that case sided with the warden saying that a loaded gun leaning against a truck is the same as a loaded gun inside a vehicle.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Dozens of times....mostly deer hunting in Jersey but was checked once in Ohio, once in PA and once in NY while bow hunting. Also checked a few times while trout fishing and during duck season in Jersey. Got a ticket in Jersey for hunting early....it was 7:55 opening day of pheasant and the starting time was 8:00. I had the double barrel over my shoulder while walking to a field that was a couple hundred yards into the woods. I told him I was walking to the field but not hunting yet...I wanted to be at the field by 8. Went to court and beat it. He actually told the judge that had I jumped a pheasant on the way to the field, he was sure I would’ve shot it. I told the judge that I didn’t think it was right to be issued a ticket based on an assumption of what someone else “thought” I would do. The judge agreed with me and chewed the wardens ass pretty well. Got another ticket in NY that I didn’t beat....I came out of the woods during deer season around lunch time and leaned my shotgun against my truck while putting my gear away. The warden rolled up on me and asked if the gun was loaded. I said yes and he then wrote me a ticket for a loaded gun in a vehicle. Sad part is, I saw the warden coming a long ways off but didn’t think I was breaking the law. The judge in that case sided with the warden saying that a loaded gun leaning against a truck is the same as a loaded gun inside a vehicle.

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Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
I, got stopped by the state troopers for speeding on rt 11 come n home from tutk hunting - shotgun lay n on back seat - he saw it and never said nothing just gave me a ticket - got yelled at by a woman when i checked in my turk for be n a killar - pizzed me off - wasn't aware i was speeding - lol

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I forgot one. WO showed up at my house along about January. Wanted to know about the doe I’d killed opening afternoon of bow season. I’d bought the tag about 4 pm on my way to hunt. I snuck into a stand and this deer must have heard me sneaking in and thought I was a deer. I didn’t even have my bow untied when the deer walked under my stand. It fooled around long enough for me to get an arrow on the rest and shoot the deer. It croaked. I had the tag on it around 5. Anyway, I told him the story and he left. Don’t have a clue who he was but it wasn’t the normal county WO.
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Junior Member
A couple times fishin at Acton lake within the last 10yrs. Once duck hunting in preble co. Once deer hunting in butler co. Landowner came out pissed, thought the warden was harassing us. Lol. Thought he was going to get a ticket for interfering. No tickets handed out.

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*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
A couple times here. Very first time I was with my dad and uncles on a deer drive I had just got my license so I was 8 years old. I remember him coming straight over to me and spinning me around to look at my license on my back. Needless to say dad and my uncles didn't take to kindly to how he grabbed me and some words were exchanged. Everyone checked out fine when he left i believe he was politely told to go fugg himself. Another time we had some kids out youth season didnt do any good but they headed back to my house. my brother my buddy and I went to the gas station down the road a warden pulled in asked if that was our vehicle I said yes and he informed me I was just trespassing. I showed him my slip and told him where I parked he ended up coming to my house to check the other adults and kids everything was good. The neighbor was just stirring shit because I parked on the property line to walk across the field.