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How many years have you hunted Turkeys


Junior Member
The woods
Why are you giving up Public Land? I have never hunted much Public Land here, but was thinking of tryin a little this year.

Because no turkey is worth my life is why. That and it got really old putting in a ridiculous amount of time preseason scouting and arriving early etc... only to have numerous morons time and time again come in and ruin my setup on a bird. This doesn't just happen sometimes, it happens EVERYTIME. When something I voluntarily choose becomes more of a burden then it is an enjoyment, that means its time to quit. I'd rather limit myself to small tracts of private land where I can hunt in somewhat peace then deal with that crap again. I'm no Mountaineer or Mike Rex, that is for darn sure. The one turkey that I thought I may stand a chance at behind my house got killed this morning within 30 minutes of youth season, but I would rather sit back there and enjoy a nice spring morning not hearing the first turkey, then go out on public and compete with 10 other hunters for the same pea brained gobbler. That's just me. Go try it for yourself you may like it.


*Supporting member*
I'm no...Mike Rex, that is for darn sure.

But you are something...and that is for darn sure.

We kill several turkeys off of public land each year. The secret to consistently killing birds on any heavily hunted ground, public or private is not how to hunt them...it's all about where and mostly when.

As for some of the friction on this message board. I am a moderator on a couple different boards and I have found that the more members who participate using their real name, the more cordial and respectful the participants. The anonymity of these forums seems to have the same effect on some people as a 6 pack of Budweiser. All of us share the common bond and passion for the outdoors. There is not a doubt in my mind that if we were having these same discussions around a campfire that the same things would be said without all the hard feelings.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
But you are something...and that is for darn sure.

We kill several turkeys off of public land each year. The secret to consistently killing birds on any heavily hunted ground, public or private is not how to hunt them...it's all about where and mostly when.

As for some of the friction on this message board. I am a moderator on a couple different boards and I have found that the more members who participate using their real name, the more cordial and respectful the participants. The anonymity of these forums seems to have the same effect on some people as a 6 pack of Budweiser. All of us share the common bond and passion for the outdoors. There is not a doubt in my mind that if we were having these same discussions around a campfire that the same things would be said without all the hard feelings.

I would agree with both of those statements.


Junior Member
The woods
But you are something...and that is for darn sure.

I would say you're a Turkey Hunter..... If you don't like the way it's turning out, maybe try it different until you do enjoy it.... Getting a Turkey is the Bonus of a Good Hunt. Good Luck!

Thanks xbowguy. I do really enjoy it. It's one of my favorite times of years. It use to be about getting a turkey but anymore its just about enjoying God's creation. I always find something in the woods to entertain me this time of year. It's a lot easier to enjoy the simple things when you feel safe and are fairly certain you have the woods to yourself, and that's why I do not hunt public anymore. That's all.:smiley_bril:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
I know the feeling TOO well.... I got frustrated with it and now will approach it differently. I was calling way TOO much and TOO loud. Plus I was expecting ALL Gobbler's to rush right in like some do......... Hope we both find that enjoyable mode. Good Luck!