Jamie what was you name over at the Other Site?
This is my first post on this forum sent this way by Jamie...
I only hunt with recurves and longbows. This year I have hunted with a bamboo backed Osage longbow made by Jamie and killed a skwirl first time out with it. About 14 or so years ago I shot and hunted compounds. I have killed one deer with a crossbow. Crossbow=total boredom (for me). Compound=too much technology (for me). Trad bow=killed with my own skills. This is the way animals were meant to be hunted.
Nothing wrong with sounding off on who shoots what if they are proud of it. I am.
Trying too remember if we've conversed on another forum is all.....
fair chance of it, I guess, if you used to visit the trad forum there. I still do occasionally, but it rather sucks over in coonskinnerville. I thought me and Milo were friends. can't believe he went there. :smiley_blackeye:
The spear came first. Just sayin'.
But it won't make me a better person.
you say that with what appears to be a great deal of conviction. brings to mind one of my favorite quotes of all time. "doubt is not an agreeable condition, but certainty is an absurd one." - Voltaire (18th century French philosopher)
lets recap.
full timers - 7
gonna try it - 4
wanna try it - 4
used to - 1
sometimes - 2
fags chiming in with veiled insults and/or miserable attempts at humor for no good reason - 3
interesting results. thanks to all who participated in a meaningful way. :smile:
you say that with what appears to be a great deal of conviction. brings to mind one of my favorite quotes of all time. "doubt is not an agreeable condition, but certainty is an absurd one." - Voltaire (18th century French philosopher)
lets recap.
full timers - 7
gonna try it - 4
wanna try it - 4
used to - 1
sometimes - 2
fags chiming in with veiled insults and/or miserable attempts at humor for no good reason - 3
interesting results. thanks to all who participated in a meaningful way. :smile: