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how many?


Senior Member
This is my first post on this forum sent this way by Jamie...

I only hunt with recurves and longbows. This year I have hunted with a bamboo backed Osage longbow made by Jamie and killed a skwirl first time out with it. About 14 or so years ago I shot and hunted compounds. I have killed one deer with a crossbow. Crossbow=total boredom (for me). Compound=too much technology (for me). Trad bow=killed with my own skills. This is the way animals were meant to be hunted.
Nothing wrong with sounding off on who shoots what if they are proud of it. I am.

looky what the cat dragged in. :smiley_clap: hehehe. take it easy, Jimmy. you makin' the natives restless with your premier post. happy you made it over.


Senior Member
Trying too remember if we've conversed on another forum is all.....

fair chance of it, I guess, if you used to visit the trad forum there. I still do occasionally, but it rather sucks over in coonskinnerville. I thought me and Milo were friends. can't believe he went there. :smiley_blackeye:


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
fair chance of it, I guess, if you used to visit the trad forum there. I still do occasionally, but it rather sucks over in coonskinnerville. I thought me and Milo were friends. can't believe he went there. :smiley_blackeye:

Didn't visit the trad forum too many thunder elitists for my liking.... Although I did like COB.... He's the man..... A lot can learn from that man.....
I am hunting with a Bamboo backed osage long bow this year myself. It was designed by Jamie but built by me. I still like my compound, it is a killing machine. I have always played around with traditional equipment, that is why I call myself switchhitter.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The spear came first. Just sayin'.

HAHAHAHA - when I read the "way it was meant" I thought the same thing and was gonna post but you beat me to it Mike!

Yeah, just picture Og and Ug the Cavemen arguing....Og calling Ug a pusscake 'cause he was slingin' arrows instead of getting close and doing the deer by hand...:smiley_crocodile:


Senior Member
But it won't make me a better person.

you say that with what appears to be a great deal of conviction. brings to mind one of my favorite quotes of all time. "doubt is not an agreeable condition, but certainty is an absurd one." - Voltaire (18th century French philosopher)

lets recap.

full timers - 7
gonna try it - 5
wanna try it - 4
used to - 2
sometimes - 2
fags chiming in with veiled insults and/or miserable attempts at humor for no good reason - 3

interesting results. thanks to all who participated in a meaningful way. :smile:
Last edited:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
you say that with what appears to be a great deal of conviction. brings to mind one of my favorite quotes of all time. "doubt is not an agreeable condition, but certainty is an absurd one." - Voltaire (18th century French philosopher)

lets recap.

full timers - 7
gonna try it - 4
wanna try it - 4
used to - 1
sometimes - 2
fags chiming in with veiled insults and/or miserable attempts at humor for no good reason - 3

interesting results. thanks to all who participated in a meaningful way. :smile:

Not sure why, but that was funny. The recap go about the way you expected Jamie? I will make a serious effort to dig out my Shakespeare and start a thread with model, weight, and length. You guys can point me in the right arrow direction and maybe you will have a new category to add: "Rookies"


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
you say that with what appears to be a great deal of conviction. brings to mind one of my favorite quotes of all time. "doubt is not an agreeable condition, but certainty is an absurd one." - Voltaire (18th century French philosopher)

lets recap.

full timers - 7
gonna try it - 4
wanna try it - 4
used to - 1
sometimes - 2
fags chiming in with veiled insults and/or miserable attempts at humor for no good reason - 3

interesting results. thanks to all who participated in a meaningful way. :smile:

This kind of conviction reflects one who puts his whole heart and lungs into it....a HeartLunger, so to speak.....


Senior Member
actually, it went better than expected, but I have dreadfully low expectations for interactions on the internet revolving around archery equipment. LOL...

all joking aside, I'm willing to help out anyone who has an interest exploring classical archery. so dig that Shakey out, Hickslawn. you'll have some fun once you get a set up together that works for you.


Senior Member
NW Licking Co. 25 northeast of Columbus. not far from Milo, who I'm no longer speaking to. :smiley_arrogant:


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
I have a Jefferies take down recurve that I have fun shooting. 62# @ 28".
It's very challenging and enjoyable to shoot. I may take it out this year on a couple occasions. Stalking standing corn fields on a windy day?


Senior Member
hunting in standing corn is fun. you can get super close to them sometimes. I literally had a buck (that I was intending to shoot,btw) nearly step on me in standing corn. inches. that was so awesome...a story worth repeating, some other time.

Dannmann, if you are coming to break my legs or something, beware that homestead is protected by Smith&Wesson, Sig, Glock, Colt, Kahr, Ruger, Winchester, Rock River, Savage and Remington. and vicious Cur dog that is very protective of his handler.