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How would you deal with this?


Yea, some tune ups need dished out to all parties IMO.

I know.

Been a while since I've heard about the old....exchange the spark plug wire trick.

haha i was thinking about it, and in the words of Eddie Murphy, They will fall for the banana in the tail pipe :) 39736636.jpg


Well things got worse. 2 kids tried to jump my brother last night at one of the kids boat docks. Luckly one of my brothers friends was there and started to fight the other 2 kids and they left but my brother got a fat lip and a little swolen on his face from a sucker punch from behind from a kid. I'm eating right now and want to go beat the crap out of these kids but I know it will only make matters worse. Hopefully he will learn from this and finally stop hanging with the group of kids. Just so furious right now and want to go kick the crap out of the 2 kids


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I'd be kicking your brothers ass, sorry to say, but he's the one putting himself in these situations. In my drinking days I would hit the local bars a lot, and when I got drunk I liked to fight. Go figure, since I quit drinking almost 4 years ago I haven't been in one scuffle, other than blasting my cousin in the face when he got drunk and out of line several months ago.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Damn Ryan, I hate to hear that! I agree it starts and ends with your brother! You play with fire you'll get burned! Hope he learns soon!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Dont take this the wrong way but sounds like your brother needs a good ass whipping with no one to back him up.Your brothers friends family members might be saying the same thing to them about picking better friends to hang with.
Obviously he is doing something to instigate these situations.
Does he like to run his mouth ?


It's just hard to sit back and see this happen because he really is a good kid he just has hung out with these kids for so long that he thinks that what they do is okay when it isn't. He does need to get his stuff together and to stop hanging around these kids and hopefully this will be a hard lesson but a good one. It just sucks to see this happen to him. And I'm not just saying that he is a good kid just because he is my brother, he really does have a good heart. Idk I'm just ranting to rant at this point but it really does suck to sit back and do nothing about it.


Hopefully he did. Were they drinking?

Of course!! Said the kids were about a bottle and a half deep in some Whiskey, said the kid always gets violent when he drinks. I said well sounds like you should stop hanging out around him than he said yeah and just kind of looked at me. I think he is embarrassed more than anything that he got sucker punched and the kid didnt fight straight up. My brother and I use to box with gloves on all the time and I know how to fight pretty well under pressure and how to defuse a situation, proper restraining holds, and I know I taught him well so I know he would of kicked the kids teeth in but like I said not a fair opportunity to fight so he couldn't react. And he was probally a couple beers deep as well. I haven't drank since I was 16 and dont plan on it because of what it does to a persons mental ability to make ethical and logical decisions, as well as your response and reaction time go down and I dont like that feeling either. I told him he needs to quit smoking pot and quit drinking cause all it does is affect your mental ability and gets you into bad situations and trouble but he doesnt quite understand it yet which is weird cause we are twins and my mental maturity has surpassed any of his friend, "my old friends", or my brothers mental maturity for some reason.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I have a scar that's about 2 inches long on the back of my head from getting knocked out in a bar fight and landing headfirst backwards right on the edge of a wooden step. They said I went into convulsions afterwards. I was taken to the hospital and left after the nurses weren't looking. I could have easily died from that but somehow I didn't. Never got any stitches or staples in my head and I let it heal on its own. Relay that story to your brother. That's why I quit drinking. Tell him to grow the fugg up or he'll be going down that road.


Junior Member
Delaware County
My bro is two years older and has had his stomach pumped multiple times for alcohol poisoning and has been caught with weed. Gets into fights and does stupid shit all the time and gives me crap for not drinking. Nothing me or my parents say seems to have any effect on him. It's sad to watch your brother F up and not be able to do anything but sometimes you just gotta let them figure it out on their own. It's weird how one brother will mature way faster than the other. He still acts like he's invincible.


My bro is two years older and has had his stomach pumped multiple times for alcohol poisoning and has been caught with weed. Gets into fights and does stupid shit all the time and gives me crap for not drinking. Nothing me or my parents say seems to have any effect on him. It's sad to watch your brother F up and not be able to do anything but sometimes you just gotta let them figure it out on their own. It's weird how one brother will mature way faster than the other. He still acts like he's invincible.

I'm glad I'm not alone with this! My brother does the same thing and is the same way! Always says "why don't you come to the boat docks And have a couple beers and hangout?", I go "well first off I don't like 95% of the people there And the other 5% is you so no. And secondly I don't drink." He always responds with "quit being a girl and have a couple beers, they won't kill you" I just shake my head and say "sorry I can't got to get ready for deer season." And Bigslam thanks for the words of advice as well. That's a tragic thing that happened but there is always a silver lining in every situation! I shared the story with him and he just kind of sat there and listen and I left.