Should September First be a State wide holiday?
Archertl Senior Member 7,419 178 Tacoma, Washington (Native Ohioan) Aug 31, 2010 #1 Should September First be a State wide holiday? Last edited: Aug 31, 2010
R RRJJ Removed by Request. 14,062 0 Aug 31, 2010 #2 Archertl said: Should September First be a State wide holiday? Click to expand... NO! I'm tired of state government workers getting paid holiday days. They get enough already.
Archertl said: Should September First be a State wide holiday? Click to expand... NO! I'm tired of state government workers getting paid holiday days. They get enough already.
hickslawns Dignitary Member Supporting Member 40,461 288 Ohio Aug 31, 2010 #3 I am with JJ. No more paid holidays for them.
Hoytmania Dignitary Member Supporting Member 11,516 181 Gods Country Sep 1, 2010 #4 I think that the last Saturday in September should be a state holiday. Being it is a weekend you wouldn't have to pay people for it!
I think that the last Saturday in September should be a state holiday. Being it is a weekend you wouldn't have to pay people for it!
R RRJJ Removed by Request. 14,062 0 Sep 1, 2010 #5 Hoytmania said: I think that the last Saturday in September should be a state holiday. Being it is a weekend you wouldn't have to pay people for it! Click to expand... When holidays fall on a weekend they still get paid.
Hoytmania said: I think that the last Saturday in September should be a state holiday. Being it is a weekend you wouldn't have to pay people for it! Click to expand... When holidays fall on a weekend they still get paid.
formerbowhunter1023 Now Posts as Jesse.. 0 0 SE Ohio Sep 1, 2010 #6 Hoytmania said: I think that the last Saturday in September should be a state holiday. Being it is a weekend you wouldn't have to pay people for it! Click to expand... If we could do this without paying overpaid state employees more money, that'd be sweet! I'd rather have the last first off!!!
Hoytmania said: I think that the last Saturday in September should be a state holiday. Being it is a weekend you wouldn't have to pay people for it! Click to expand... If we could do this without paying overpaid state employees more money, that'd be sweet! I'd rather have the last first off!!!
G Geezer *Hims a Super Moderator* 11,640 0 Sep 1, 2010 #7 wud bout all the udder overpaid fuggars out there fuggn off on the company dime - dang
hickslawns Dignitary Member Supporting Member 40,461 288 Ohio Sep 1, 2010 #8 This is up to their employer's to worry about. We don't pay their salaries. We do pay the state workers' salaries. You won't find my guys milkin' me Geezer.
This is up to their employer's to worry about. We don't pay their salaries. We do pay the state workers' salaries. You won't find my guys milkin' me Geezer.