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Hunting Pressure Observations?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Here's my neighbor. For those of you that think it's all about access - you are right! They farm 3-4k acres, and own a majority of it. He kills a dandy almost every year, and may hunt half a dozen times a year. You know where they like to be and sneak in there with a shotgun ready to shoot...

Damn! Talk about making use of a little time in the woods. Congrats to him. And yes, I'm jealous. Lol

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
He was pretty happy. He was at the Doctor in Cleveland on Monday. Hunted yesterday afternoon but only saw small ones. Slept in today because it was cold, and went for a stroll behind Grandma's house this afternoon. No reason to get stressed about killing deer when you know you'll find a good one to shoot eventually. :) I'm happy for him. Heck, I tried to call him yesterday because I saw a dandy behind my house loafing around with a doe. He didn't figure he could get to him within legal light... Oh, the doe I shot Sunday was on one of his farms that he doesn't hunt often because it's too far to drive...7 miles! :)


*Supporting Member I*
North of Toledo
We have seen a fair amount of deer here. And a fair amount of hunters. We also herd as much or more shooting then normal.
Expessaly from the amish area across the street.
There will be 7 of us hunting this weekend, Around here it seems like satarday is the day more hunters are in the woods. It looks like its going to be warm, And the deer may not be moving. If we dont have sucess sitting. We will do some drives. We have a spot we drive every year with sucsess.
we have 6 guys on our lease and only 2 of them havent bucked out. This has been a good year for us. Hopefully it gets better this weekend. Good luck everyone.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Today I left the house at 6:15 AM. I drove from Ashtabula to the SW corner of PA. (35-45 min drive below Pittsburgh) in the 3 hour drive down, during prime morning hrs, I only saw 3 orange hunters. Later today on the drive home from 2:00 PM to getting home at 5:10 I counted only 2 orange hunters.

320 mile round trip /5 hunters= 1 hunter for every 64 miles of hwy driving through NE Ohio and NW pennsilvenia...
Justsamplinging of a area from today but in years past, I would have counted 75-100 in a day of driving that many miles.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My neighbor sent me another text today... His dad went hunting. Took his grandson's muzzleloader and went for a walk on "Grandpa's" place. Walked up on this buck in the same place he walked up on his 160" 10 pt two years ago...hasn't walked down that ditch since he shot the last big one in there. :) First time out since gun season came in. I'm telling you, grab your gun and go for a walk!!!!!


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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The orange army seemed to be everywhere today! Not seeing anyone at the state wildlife area all week, I packed my gun gear in the truck this morning with plans to head over there after work for a little stillhunting. Wouldn't you know it, damn near every pull-off at the place had vehicles in them! I was so ticked. The one day all week that I decided to take off early and go hunt turns out to be the day everyone else does too. So instead I just drove around for a couple hours, looking for deer and hunters... and there were a bunch of hunters out tonight.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I heard three shots behind the pizza shop about 5. My neighbor's daughter still had a tag, and they own that land too!:). My Fayette Co landowner said there were three trucks parked where I hunt yesterday. He didn't know who they were and assumed his brother gave them permission on his piece of ground!:( No idea who it would have been.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I have been a good little detective this week. When my buddies are hunting, I have let them know where the other hunters were or if I saw deer moving. Last night one of the neighbors to our property was out and I chatted with him. He watches the back side of the property. Not a hunter. Just enjoys nature and doesn't have anything against hunters. Told me about a car which had been parking by his house with a guy walking in. I saw the car there tonight and called my buddy. He went to wait for the guy to exit. Talked to the guy and the guy was very respectful. He was legit and has permission on a different neighboring property. He did give us some more insight on our trespasser issues though. Told us where he is seeing them walking in on him. As my buddy is talking to the guy (15-20min after shooting light at a minimum) they hear gun shots. Oh this is not good for whoever was doing the shooting. Glad I was out to dinner with the family by then. Feel sorry for whoever my buddy catches.

My point: They are coming out of the woodwork this weekend fellas. They have been sliding thru any crack they can this week despite three of us patrolling. Is it really worth the effort to put the money and time into these properties when you spend more time patrolling for trespassers than you do enjoying the property? Very frustrating.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
In my Wednesday and Friday hunt, I have not see a single deer in woods I saw them in all year. Tonight however I buzzed down the driveway in the 4 wheeler in the last few min of marginal shooting light on the way home and saw a good sized doe. I raised up, scoped her and was ready to drop her at 40 yards w/ the in-line but something kept me from squeezing the shot. I moved another 10 yards down the driveway and raised up on her again and saw the second smaller doe right behind her. I wold have killed her and wounded the second. Glad I held off.

Tomorrow the gangs should be out moving deer all over the place. We'll try again.

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Shoulder Blade

Junior Member
Will be out for the am in ashtabula on private, may as well be public land. My land owners always shakes his head cause we go so deep. He says he sees them by his pond, well ill be near the pond in a blind waitin to see if he's full of it.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Heard 2 shots this morning and saw nothing. They're buried deep in the unthinkable spots.

Pulled something in my neck...fugg. Icing it and about to head over to my buddy's for breakfast and then its push time


Staff member
We heard several shots this morning, but it's been dead all week until today. Three shots rang from a gun I could not identify this morning and echo'd unlike anything I've ever heard in the woods. It had to do with the terrain, but it was very loud and distinct.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
If they aren't coming to you, go to them!

I've hear quite a few shots around the house this morning, more than I've heard all week I'd guess. Wish I was still in the game...