I just sold my old bow and bought a another bow used. For a decent price. Any way my old bow was maxed out at 60lbs, and this new one will go up to 70lbs but it is set at 65lbs. What a big difference of drawing back and a huge difference with my arrows flying to the target!! I can hardly see them with this new bow!....My old one I could see it the whole way! I was having so much fun with this bow that I shot for an hour and a half and still couldn't believe how much flatter and faster my new bow is. Now since this is only my 4th year bow hunting here is my question. This bow was set up for the old owner complete with a kisser and peep sight. I thought I would have to change it because of physical differences in owners. But I shot it at the range and felt very comfortable in my stance and where the bow broke and shooting it. The arrows where very true on their hits. So will I still need to change it? I mean I feel no difference in my holding position and it seems to fit me better than my old one. Give me advice guys!!
I was a little sore after shooting it ...gotta get my muscles in shape!! But I was rapid firing and holding it for a long time to simulate a deer looking at me.
I was a little sore after shooting it ...gotta get my muscles in shape!! But I was rapid firing and holding it for a long time to simulate a deer looking at me.