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I love being right


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Last weekend, the wife and I hunted a piece of property we haven't been on this year, a small 30 acre finger of woods that always holds deer. We got skunked Friday and Saturday morning, and the wife was a little discouraged. We got down and looked around a bit, and ended up finding a rub line you could follow for 300y before it disappeared into some thick timbered stuff I didn't want to venture into, a known sanctuary. I decided to run home and grab the camera so I could run it out there for a few days. I just knew there had to be a good buck in there with a rub line like that, and the pictures I got last year. I checked the camera tonight so I could make a decision as to if we were gonna hunt there Friday morning or if we would be somewhere else. Looks like I will be heading out tomorrow night to hang stands for Friday morning.

The first and second pictures of of the same buck. Check out the brow length on that bad boy. Looks like he busted one off though. The third picture is a different deer, I would guess an eight. looks like a nice one also.

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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
I might try to reposition the camera so maybe you can see us from the stand when we are hunting. That would be a cool pic right there!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Haha, I hate to laugh at a low blow like that, but man, is is so true!

Well, I went out last night after work and hung the Millennium so all we would have to do is climb in and settle down this morning. It was colder than balls, and it didn't take long before Kate was shivering like crazy, but she hung in there until the end. Around 8, she says deer, and points to what she thought to be a doe across the beaver pond from us. I get the camera on it, and tell her that it is a spike and not a doe. He works his way down the hill, coming right towards us, and I knew where he was headed. He got to the creek, and hopped to our side, climbing the bank at 20 yards. He crested the hill and walked straight to the corn I had put down for her, not 15 yards away. She looked up at me and whispered, "Is he big enough to shoot?" I told her that if she wanted to shoot him, take him. I saw her inch out on the platform and turn for the shot, and thought, hell yeah, it's on like donkey kong! It took her three tries to get her bow back because she was so cold, but she finally made it happen and began to settle the pin in. I focused in tight on the deer, so we could get a good idea what type of shot she put on him. I'm waiting, waiting, waiting...and she lets down. I look down and she is pulling her face mask out of the way, " I couldn't find my anchor point, just didn't feel right" she says. Again, she goes to draw, struggling twice before finally getting the bow back. This time though, it was too late, as he had caught her struggling to draw and took four good bounds before stopping, out of Kate's range.

As he was walking away, I told her that she did well, and I was proud of her for not taking a shot since she couldn't find her anchor. We both stood there, shaking like crazy excited that she was seconds away from killing her first deer. After we laughed about her fighting to get her bow drawn, and about how close she came, we settled back in. Sat until 10, when it started raining and we climbed down.

I am so proud of her for making the right decision not to shoot since the shot didn't feel right. She had a perfect 15 yard broadside shot, leg forward, but didn't want to wound a deer because she couldn't find her anchor points. We will be headed back out this afternoon to try out luck again, hopefully I have good news when we get in this evening.

On a side note, I found half a dozen more rubs today, all within 20 yards of my mom's back yard. It amazes me how the deer hang out so close to her house, when they have 1000's of acres to choose from.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Sounds like a great hunt buddy.. All the fun and excitement without the mess.. :smile: Hang in there she'll get it done. :)