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In the land of TOO


*Supporting Member III*
All is well. No blood whatsoever from the doe I thought I hit. Musta missed. We looked high and low so I am gonna assume it was a clean whiff. Other than that we are seeing lots of deer. Saw 10 on this mornings sit. No shots fired, but my trigger finger is gettin twitchy. Tonight may be the night. More to come later.


*Supporting Member III*
On hunt #5. It should be noted that wild turkey is runnin through my blood, but I haven't seen anything yet. Waiting for this wind too chill out and magic hour to get here. I'm in a stand that is only for big bucks...I'll keep you posted.


*Supporting Member*
Sitting here in magic hour of hunt #5. No deer yet, but could be one at any moment. Although there are a dozen sits left before I head back to Florida, I am pretty sure that any deer that shows up will be toast. Unless it is a young buck, I've still got my standards.

BTW, never been happier. I live for this week each year.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Got the venison marinating and the brews in the fridge. Honored to have you guys over for a evening of food brew and fire.:smiley_coolpeace:


*Supporting Member III*
next year we should have a too get together one night in a semi central location so DB and I can meet all you suckas. I can't freaking wait until tomorrow morn. Nov. 5th, 32 degrees and little bitty wind. It's big buck goin down weather.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
next year we should have a too get together one night in a semi central location so DB and I can meet all you suckas. I can't freaking wait until tomorrow morn. Nov. 5th, 32 degrees and little bitty wind. It's big buck goin down weather.

I love the attitude! Get after 'em fellas!


*Supporting Member III*
Just saw a nice 8 with his nose to the ground. Threw every call in the book at him to get him to stop. No dice. He was too far away for a shot but him was not stoppin the poon search for nothin!