What's so complicated about an EITHER-SEX tag? Lol.
Ohio has never allowed a hunter to kill more than one buck and never will. It's actually one of the things they got right! Common sense would tell you if every hunter were aloud to kill 2-3 bucks a year there wouldn't be any left for the future.
What makes you think you are of average intelligence Phil! Lmao!
Seriously though they put out a rules and and regs book for a reason and it is pretty simple to understand,always says somewhere in there No hunter may take one antlered buck per year regardless of weapon.
I read the reg book every year front to back cause ya never know what changes their are from yr to yr and i guarantee somewhere in there it's gonna say only one antlered buck per yr.
Not reading the book or part of it is no excuse.
We are talking about a group of people where the rumor that the DNR brought in coyotes easily makes the rounds. I can see where misinformation and misreading could easily spread.
While I believe the ODNR could make it easier, if the book is read it makes sense.
We are talking about a group of people where the rumor that the DNR brought in coyotes easily makes the rounds. I can see where misinformation and misreading could easily spread.
Not excusing it, but can see how the ability to purchase more than one "either sex" tag could allow one to come to the wrong conclusion - if they don't read the entire regulation.
Look at how many questions about regs get posted here. People are either too lazy to find the answer or ask around until the get the answer they want....even if it's wrong.
Look at how many questions about regs get posted here. People are either too lazy to find the answer or ask around until the get the answer they want....even if it's wrong.
Look at how many questions about regs get posted here. People are either too lazy to find the answer or ask around until the get the answer they want....even if it's wrong.