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It almost happened today...............


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Daggone it! I thought I'd slip into my stand alittle late this morning thinking the deer might be getting off their duffs during late morning. I left the house at 8:30 and was in my stand by 8:50. The anal people across the creek about a 100 yards away were already leaf blowing and mowing when I was slipping in. It actually helps but after you get settled in, you'd like to have some quiet time. Anyway, I was set up with the west winds blowing me right in the face as I faced toward a small thicket splitting two small cornfields. It is actually a finger that juts in between them with several nice entry 's on each side coming toward me and more trails crossing between the two. Behind me is a loud bubbling creek that winds around me with a 40 yard swath of hardwoods and honeysuckle/thickshit that run along the creek at the edge of these cornfields. Perfect setup for a morning hunt. While watching out in front of me with the constant noise of leaf blowing and shit going on behind me I looked over my right shoulder and saw this dandy nice 10 point slinking his way along the creek about 25 yards away heading towards a creek crossing. I was already set with my bow in my hands and simply turned toward the right and drew up on him and was looking for an opening before he got to the backside of my tree. Well, by the time he reached my window my bow was being interferred with by my backpack that I had hung on the right side of the tree. When I was looking thru my peep and lining up my 20 yards pin on his chest, I noticed a strap on my backpack was in direct line of my arrow and it cost me the split second I needed to get the shot off. I let up and turned completely around hoping he would make a right turn so's I can get a shot off on the other side of my tree. Well, he stopped and raked his antlers in a small tree as if were going to lay down a scrape and scent checked the area and did an abow face and walked dirctly away from me and crossed the creek. ALL THE WHILE AS TWO BUSY BEAVERS ARE WORKING THEIR ASSES OFF IN THEIR YARD!!! He didn't actually walk up behind their house but up the bank on the opposite side of a deep revine on the same side of the creek as them. Well, I just took it as it wasn't mean't to be for me today, but dang! I'll definitely be back in their tomorrow am but I was hoping to score today because I'm afraid there will be a few other hunters in there this weekend. He was approx. 17 to 18 inches on the inside spread. He had great mass but what impressed me were the length of his g-4's. They were a tad shorter that his 2's and 3's but were at least 6.5 to 7.5 inches long. His g2's and 3's looked to be in the 9 to 10 inch range. I didn't get a good look at his brows but they just seemed to be good as well but not sure. His beams curled back in well and are prolly in the 24" range.I'd say he'd gross easily in the low 150's! I hope I get another crack at him so's I can show you some pic's with me behind him. LOL He is defiinitely from the same gene pool as the other big 10 I'm hunting. Goodluck everyone.......Some good hunting is to be had after 9:00 am so keep them eyes and ears peeled.
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Good luck in there tomorrow morning! It's amazing how those suburban deer get used to the everyday actions of the people living around them, but as soon as they pick off a hunter in a tree it's over. They seem to learn very quickly what situations are safe, and what ones are not. Hope you get another crack at him tomorrow!


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
GOOG LUCK MAN, Hopefully he crosses your path again tomorrow or catch him tonight. This weekend is going to be good so get out there!!

put that back pack under your seat. LOL


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Always a thrill when you have a near deer death situation.
It'll keep ya coming back- Good Luck!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
If I didn't have to get a daughter to Volleyball practice at 4 and myself to work by 5, believe me, my ass would still be planted in that stand! I even stood all day in a stand from dark to dark without getting out many days over the years and this definitely would have been another one if it weren't for other things going on. I'll definitely be back out ther tomorrow my brotha's......even on 3 hours sleep, again! LOL Just wanted you all to note something! In my other thread that has the spike pic in it, the big 10 came thru there just about 8 to 10 yards further. He would have been toward the upper left corner of the same pic. The area is choked with Hsuckle and vines with sparse shooting windows. If only he'd just entered one before he got to my fuggin' backpack. DANG! I'm still fumein'. If it weren't for the other guys hunting there, I wouldn't be so agitated right now. We'll just have to wait and see though.
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