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It happened last evening...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
This is how it came together. I got to my stand at 3:15. It's the stand in the video of this post. It's a two man ladder stand that had a camo shroud on it. I got busted twice already this year because I felt the shroud stuck out like a sore thumb even though the stand has been up for four months. The shroud had to go.

I cut up some apples and hung a few from the tree at the field edge. I dropped a few ears of corn that my neighbor gave me from his Halloween display also. The shroud came off as soon as I got in the tree.

It drizzled at around 5 pm for 10 minutes or so. At 6:45 I see young deer running around in the CRP. Ten minutes later the two young deer and mom come into the cut bean field to feed. Mom came to the field edge where she entered opening weekend. Instead of entering the woods, she smelled the apples and came right towards them. As she came to the apples and corn, she sniffed one of the cobs and must have smelled my scent on the cob. She backed out and circled around. She came again and I took a broadside shot in the window that I had.

She kicked and ran out into the field turned and ran towards the creek and jumped it. I didn't see where she went though. The fawns stayed in the field. She NEVER looked my way once. Taking the shroud off was a good call IMHO.

I snuck out for about 45 minutes and went looking for the blood trail. It was raining and getting dark. I got off task a few times and and to slap myself to get back on track and on the blood. Since the deer went on a homeowners property, I went to ask permission before getting to far into the search. At one point I thought they were going to say no!

There were so many red colored leaves and weeds that were red, that it was difficult to follow the trail. I took my time and marked the last spot each time I found new blood.

She was walking around their pond and when the trail stopped I got a sick feeling that I wouldn't find her. She could have went anywhere on the perimeter of this property which is lined with tall grass and thickets. After about two hours, I looked up and asked for help. I shit you not, I did a 90 degree turn and walked towards the creek. She laid up about 35 yards from the pond in an area with a downed tree.

I knelt down beside her and I prayed. I felt blessed and relieved. I didn't want to gut here there, so I got the sled and hauled her out.

It took everything I had to get her to the van and then into the van, by myself. I took her to the other neighbor's house and gutted her there. I was not at all offended by the smell and it went smooth as I've been watching youtube videos for two years!

I got to the check station at 10:48. They closed at 11 so, I just made it. I put ice in her chest and one on top and covered her with a tarp and blanket. She's at the butcher as of 10 this morning.

It's an experience I will never forget. Thanks to all of you who have helped me!


Senior Member
That's a great story, it sounds like you have learned a lot of valuable lessons already this season, and it's still early October!

I remember watching that video from your stand and knowing you'd connect!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Congratulations on the doe Mike. You have done well! It a great looking deer and a good story too. Looks like a well placed shot.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Way to go man! Congrats Mike on not only a huge ass doe but putting an absolute perfect shot on her as well. Thanks for sharing.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Holy Shit dude! I bet you could fit two of my first deer inside her chest cavity!!! That is a monster doe!!! Congrats on a great first kill. It is no doubt something you will never forget!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
My two boys and I just ate celebratory steaks for lunch. My five year old demanded it! Can you guys guess the age and weight?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
My two boys and I just ate celebratory steaks for lunch. My five year old demanded it! Can you guys guess the age and weight?

Rough estimate Mike would be 130-150 lbs. She is a hog man. Probably 2-3 years old. I like the story behind her and your persiverance (sp?) It's a memory you'll have even after your 100th deer. I use a string and measure the girth around the back part of the front legs. Go all the way around it and measure the string and the chart given will estimate the weight on hoof and field dressed and to a certain point ediable meat weight. It's not fool proof but a good indicator of what you'll end up with. Again congrats and enjoy the future meals she will provide your family.... http://www.vadeer.com/weight_chart.html


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Word on the street is Mike shot his first buck this morning. Not sure about the details but Swantucky is driving over to help him track.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Word on the street is Mike shot his first buck this morning. Not sure about the details but Swantucky is driving over to help him track.

Well, here it goes. :(
I hunted yesterday, on the ground, in my ghillie suit. I setup on the fence row overlooking scrapes to the west and cut corn to the east. I got out there around 1:30 and after smoking the crap out of myself, settled in for a long sit. It was windy as hell and I was sure I wouldn't see anything. At 6:00, I see a deer traveling west through the woods. I watched him through my scope and saw he was a weird spike with 8 or 9 inch spoon shaped antlers. He was behind a tree broad side and when he walked out from behind that tree, I fired. A MISS! He was 10 yards away! He looked around and moved off about fifteen yards into a thicket. I quietly cocked my crossbow and grabbed another arrow. After a few minutes, he bolted into the CRP field to the west. Damn! At 6:20, I hear another deer coming. Another buck, but this one is a non-typical, maybe, 5-point? I watched him make his way west and then turn into the cut corn field. As he walked south, I bleated when he was about broadside. He stopped and I fired. The shot was a little high and the arrow stuck half way in. He looped out into the corn and head back into the woods on the far east side. Holy Shit! I just shot my first buck!

I waited until 7:30 and then started tracking him. I had awesome blood through the woods and out into the uncut bean field heading North. He went into the woods and down a gully. I followed great blood until I can upon a downed tree with pools of blood and blood on the downed tree, but he wasn't there. I got turned around and ended up trailing the same blood out the way I came. I thought I was heading west, but as it turned out, I was heading back the way I came. Lesson learned: bring a compass. I didn't realize I was back in the same woods until I saw a familiar piece of metal! LOL! I got back to the van at 12:30 am.

Randy and I went back out this morning and followed the blood back to the log with the blood pools, and the blood stopped there. We did a 100 yard radius around that spot and came up with nothing. I am convinced my deer was taken last night before I got to the spot where I believe it died which was around 8:30. I heard guns in that direction most of my hunt and that final blood spot was right on an ATV trail. No drag marks, no gut pile. Just gone. Thanks for your help Randy... 1024101245.jpg
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Sucks! There is a special spot in hell reserved for deer thieves! If it makes you feel any better though. Maybe they were on hard times and needed the meat. Who knows.. Man that sucks i was pulling that you guys would find it.