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"J"s 2012-13 Hunting log


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Awesome J! Hang tight, he could be back. Hit that grunt tube if you got one on ya! Good luck!

Grunted him and even yacked at him while he was going by but he couldn't hear a train coming as focussed as he was on that tail..... Don't know why those deer won't stick too the game plan..... rotflmao Three differant trails in front of me and they blaze their own...... Friggin creatures piss me off rotflmao Anyways it was a whole lot better morning then I thought it was going too be... And I can't wait until tomorrow with the cold snap coming back through..... I'm pulling an all day sit tomorrow and I'm hoping Brock is right about tuesday being the best day of the season..... :smiley_coolpeace:

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
It may be today, J! Big boys are out looking, front coming in...all adds up to a lot of excitement real quick!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
It may be today, J! Big boys are out looking, front coming in...all adds up to a lot of excitement real quick!

Yeah, was real busy keeping my eyes open this morning then wind picked up and deer stopped moving... But from first light till 1030 was interesting too say the least..... Found out there's 3 good bucks beside the one I'm after running the valley and from the sounds of it if one of the 4 come by it's getting an arrow flying it's way..... 1-12 point a 10 and a beast of an 8 that was spotted last night about a 1/4 mile from my setup..... Hoping the remainder of the week will provide me with plenty of action because friday is my last day and working the weekend and all the way too Thanksgiving day.... Price I pay for taking time off I guess lol....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I hope the payoff comes soon J! Can't wait to see a big boy fall by your hand!

You and me both brother!!!! This is probably the hardest I've hit it in all the years I've been deer hunting.... and switching it up mid season really fired me up as the origonal property where I got my doe just had me thinking no filling my buck tag again this year.... If I would of put more effort in this farm I'm at now I think I'd might have been done already but live and learn and move forward.... Right???? :smiley_coolpeace:


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
You and me both brother!!!! This is probably the hardest I've hit it in all the years I've been deer hunting.... and switching it up mid season really fired me up as the origonal property where I got my doe just had me thinking no filling my buck tag again this year.... If I would of put more effort in this farm I'm at now I think I'd might have been done already but live and learn and move forward.... Right???? :smiley_coolpeace:

Das rite!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Effort doesn't always equate to success in deer hunting, J. At least not with archery gear. With a gun you can go kill 'em, with a bow you almost have to wait on them to come to you. And sadly, the ones that interest many of us simply aren't on their feet during daylight hours very dang often...but today they were, and hopefully will be again this evening!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Effort doesn't always equate to success in deer hunting, J. At least not with archery gear. With a gun you can go kill 'em, with a bow you almost have to wait on them to come to you. And sadly, the ones that interest many of us simply aren't on their feet during daylight hours very dang often...but today they were, and hopefully will be again this evening!

Couldn't agree more Brock, but it sure helps when you finally score and know you worked your tail off too get em..... :smiley_coolpeace:


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
DAMN..... What a ride.... I'm still friggin pumped about him lol...... Today is the fourth time I've had this buck in front of me, up too this point last Tuesday was the best shot angle at him but I didn't like it and didn't want too chase him all night..... The last couple of days he's been chasing does all around and he was locked onto one over the weekend.... Yesterday he ran by in fourth gear and wouldn't slow down for anything I threw at him he was dogging a doe and was so focused he wasn't having anything else.... I stayed out of the woods yesterday afternoon due too the high winds and sideways rain, not that that limb falling a couple of trees away had anything too do with it.... I talked too quite a few people yesterday and they all felt after that front moved through the activity would really pick (not that it had really slowed in the last couple of days) but I was pumped for an all-day sit, had everything too help me make it through the day.... Snacks, water, pee bottles, change of socks extra gloves and hand warmers.... My pack hasn't been that heavy before lol.... I got up extra early and made it there by 0530 and the spot I hunt is next too rail road tracks and I use the train traffic too cover me going in or coming out, yesterday I almost had too wait till daylight before one came by, but started a slow walk too the stand and about a 100 yards out one came by..... This morning got on stand with the train being on time lol... Settled in and waited.... I smoked up my clothes this morning along with my BOW (that's another story I'll relate I love my wife!!!!) I haven't used any cover scent at this location I wanted it too stay all natural with nothing added by me other than my presence.... This area is about 5-7 acres of a bottom with the edges covered in red brush.... Plenty of cover and a bedding area too the front left of me as well as behind and too the right..... There are 3 trails that come too my stand and intersect into one leading too the bedding area behind me about 150 yards..... The one thing about this place is the winds are never really favorable west winds blow into the bedding area behind me, east winds blow it too the front bedding area south would probably be the best but never had one of those while on stand.... North wasn't bad either.... But the one thing that I was always doing before going out was smoking up my clothes, equipment.... I think that had the biggest impact on my harvesting this buck, I never got winded or busted by a single deer and I've lost track how many were in front behind and too the sides of me they never were spooked at all unless they were being dogged by a buck of bucks on some days.... I've always been a fan of the smoker and this just cemented it for me....

This morning at daybreak I was looking all around as you never knew from which direction the bucks would push the does.... I caught movement about 200 yards out in front and too the left of me, turned out too be a doe and about 100 yards out she went into the red brush and I figured she was going too a bed. I kept looking in that direction and about 5 minutes had passed and there she was in front of me @ 30 yards, she walked right past me @ 15 yards and went too the area of the bed behind me.... I kept an eye on her location for the next couple of minutes checking where she came from as well, once I figured she wasn't coming back I settled in looking out in front of me and here comes another deer.... About 200 yards out I catch it and can't tell at the moment what it is but soon notice it's nose too the ground and I stand up and get ready just in case it's what I'm looking for..... About a hundred yards out I realize it's him and if he follows her scent I'm going too have a 15 yard shot.... Turn on the sight click off the safety and wait..... He came in just like he should have if I wasn't there.... When he came around the red brush too my left, he slowed and started looking for her, he stopped and was really scanning and ears were twitch trying too hear her movement and I'm thinking here we go, he'll allude me again!!!! He stood there for what seemed like forever but was actually less then 30 seconds he turned too his left (which put him broadside) and started too walk into the red brush, he took 2 steps and stopped and I let it fly, double lung (a little high) but he busted through the red brush came out in front of it and trotted for about 15 yards, walked a few steps and I'm thinking okay where you going and then his backend wobbled and he started stumbling and running at the same time plowing into the high grass with a few kicks and that was it.... 50 yards from my stand he laid there with no more movement!!!!! 25 yard broadside shot double lung and watch him fall..... A thing of beauty.....
This is the first time I targeted a buck and actually had it work out for me, we figure him @ 4 years old by the sightings the neighbors had mentioned like I said not a huge wall hanger but still a great trophy for me…. I’ve killed them larger but both of the deer I have on the wall I have no history with, they just were unlucky too wind up in front of me as I had never seen them before……

Sorry for the mega long post I just rambled on as I replayed it back in my head…..


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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
What a great hunt and read J! Congrats on taking a brute of a buck! Age alone, makes him a great kill!:smiley_clap:


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
A better picture of his neck....


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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Great story J! I'm really glad you managed to kill the one you were after. That must be very rewarding!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Great story J! I'm really glad you managed to kill the one you were after. That must be very rewarding!

Can't relay in words how I really felt...but Mrex and I had a conversation about a week ago when I talked too his wife Shelly about the cabins for next year ..... there's the highs when you get close the lows when it doesn't work out then the actual harvest.... and the now what after it.... I'm not there yet for the now what but he was spot on up too this point....