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Jays 2014/15 rabbit season thread


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
We can hook up with OhioSam and hit an orchard we deer hunt at Mike... Should have plenty of action too make the drive worth while....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Heading out in the morning, added a little bling too the O/U too document our hunt lol.....



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
COB would recognize this picture... This is the gun I bought off of him.... I've had a lot of enjoyment hunting with this O/U .410.....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Lousy day, started off with a neighbor too the property we were hunting decided Candy must have been lost because she ran over on her property and she'd be a Good Samaritan and catch her put her on a leash and hold her for a while, meantime I'm frantically looking for her when I get a call saying she's got her in her garage for safe keeping.... Are you fuggin kidding me!!!!! Lady let her go so she'll come back over too is.... Well in between the time I got too her she fed Candy snacks and now she's joined her at the hip and won't leave until I show up and she sees me and runs my way.... I asked her why in gods green earth would you leash a dog that she could hear us calling???? We were a hundred yards away for crying out loud.....

Clueless older lady trying too do a good deed.... At one point while we were trying too locate her and after using the tone button I jacked it up too the two setting and you could hear her yelp and that's when the phone rang..... WTH????

Mocked the dogs up and talked too my buddies uncle who owns the land we were hunting and who sold her the property she built on and he was going too let her have it.... I'm staying out of it and letting him deal with it.....

Went too a second property and blanked there as well.... So no go pro videos too share.... Sorry for the rant being long and I feel a little bit better after typing it out....


Junior Member
Darby Creek
Hey J....glad to see you are still running the beagles!

I just had to comment on your story about the Good Samaritan. I had a guy grab one of my young dogs a couple of weeks ago and had him in a parking lot by a warehouse. He was shocked when I tracked the dog right to his car because they had gps collars on them! Lol....was I ever glad I bought the garmin alpha 100....probably the coolest thing I have ever purchased! It has a gps screen that let's me track the dogs every move and has the training collar with correction and tone and reaches an amazing 9 miles. It has a ton of extra features too....like miles run during the hunt, speed, and a track log so I can see every circle they make. It was really pricey but worth every penny IMO. Especially for guys who value their dogs like we do!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Good too hear, I've seen the collars in use and really like them but am waiting for my collars too wear out before I upgrade but the damn tri tronics won't quit working yet after almost ten years in use.... I'm having too upgrade the batteries this year (as soon as they make them that is) but they're only 25.00 a pop..... But it's on my radar too get when these wear out.... Love having hem on a mile long leash....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well, made it out today with the girls and other than it being a bit windy it was a nice morning too be out.... Had one good run and one that the rabbit didn't want too play and held up almost as soon as it was jumped..... Dogs were glad too be out and stretching their legs almost as much as I was..... While they were searching for bunnies I was walking the property looking for sheds and making sure there were no snares let behind as this property isn't a place I hunt a lot due too them running snares for yotes.....

Spent about 2.5 hours walking around and letting the girls have their fill of both sunshine and fresh air..... They had as good of a time as I did..... My plan is too get out like this until the temps climb up and then only hit the rainy days after that especially the cool rainy morning..... Always like those days......


Junior Member
Darby Creek
Yep....summer heat will be on us before we know it!

I'm doing the same with my 3 by running them all I can before it heats up. I've never tried it .....but a buddy of mine runs his at night. I might give that a try this year since I have those new gps collars now and they have high visibility strobe lights too.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Yep....summer heat will be on us before we know it!

I'm doing the same with my 3 by running them all I can before it heats up. I've never tried it .....but a buddy of mine runs his at night. I might give that a try this year since I have those new gps collars now and they have high visibility strobe lights too.

I would be interested too see how it works out for you.... Without the GPS and strobes, I'd be leery with the coyotes coming in on them..... Even with them I'd be packing a sidearm.....


Junior Member
Darby Creek
I would be interested too see how it works out for you.... Without the GPS and strobes, I'd be leery with the coyotes coming in on them..... Even with them I'd be packing a sidearm.....

Hmmmm....I never thought about that. I see a lot of coyote when we are rabbit hunting during the day....I can only imagine what it would be like at night.