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Jesse's 2014-2015 Deer Season


Staff member
Just went and put the Grounder 350 on the platform I built on my parents 11 acres a few years back. Most of the woods are oaks. I've been in those woods since I was 14 and outside 2010, that's the most acorns I've ever seen. It sounds like someone sitting in the canopy dropping marbles all around. I have a little food plot back there I haven't planted in a couple years. The white oak I left in the middle finally produced and its covered the plot with acorns. Piles of shit are all around the blind. Big piles too. In 2010, there was standing corn nearby clear through gun season and that pretty much kills the hunting back there. This year, no corn for miles. I fully expect it to be an incredible year for deer sightings back there.
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Staff member
Well I documented my miss, but there was one positive to the morning besides seeing the sunrise in the woods. A couple weeks back I scored a set of steps off an oil tank and we got a chance to take those back today. Replaces the sketchy set of steps I made from two 4x4s and some 2x4s. I thought we'd have trouble getting it back there and setting it up. We were done in 10 minutes and they fit like a glove!

2014 Stats

Does Sightings: 3
Bucks Sightings: 0
Different Bucks: 0
Shooters Seen: 0
Total Sightings: 3

Deer Killed: 0
Arrow'd Squirrels: 0

Morning Hunts: 1
Evening Hunts: 0
All Day Sits: 0
Skunked Hunts: 0
Total Hunts: 1

Hours on Stand: 2.5

Average Time Per Hunt: 2.5 hours
Deer Seen Per Hour on Stand: 1+

Stands/Blinds Hunted: 1
Properties Hunted: 1


Staff member
Great looking stand Jesse! Those steps fit perfect and solid I bet!
I was a bit worried as most of my great ideas encounter a snag somewhere along the way. There were four sets of ladders to choose from and a quick Pythagorean workout said this should be the right set. The next fear was getting them back there. Just put them in the Kubota UTV and they rode like a charm. We stood them up and it was a perfect fit! Two lag bolts later and I was tickled pink. It'll make things much easier during cold weather hunts when I take the heater!


Staff member
I've grown better plots, but considering I was a month behind schedule and then we endured one of the driest Septembers on record, I can't complain. I'm really please with the Biologic seeds. Fiest pic is the Big Plot which is Biologic Outfitters Blend. The brassicas look great, so I hope the deer take to them.

This is the Runway Plot. It is Biologic Winter Bulbs and Sugar Beets. Looks good so far and the rain we have coming this weekend should really kick this one up a notch.

The is the Corner Pocket Plot. Looks like shit. Being on top of the hill and sideland, it really caught the worst of the dry weather. This is my custom blend from Merit. I didn't do a soil test here either and it shows. I'll be testing the soil and turning this in to an annual clover/chicory plot next spring.



You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
You are well in your way in providing a great draw for deer and a hunters paradise for you and your friends and family Jesse! Awesome job!