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Jesse's 2014-2015 Deer Season

DJK Frank 16

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Hardin County
Sounds like a great morning on stand! I'm not sure I could have passed him up, but I don't have near enough self-control when it comes to bucks. You did the right thing, you will be much happier when hes a year or two older!


Staff member
Did the trail cam pics spare his life?

In a way. Had I not had the pics, I wouldn't have had Greg/Ric in my head when he came up the hill. Without them in there saying: "Don't do it!" I very well may have given in to the idea of being free to duck hunt at will and enjoy my fall doing other things. Plus I knew by looking at the pics that he was only 3 and that let the doubt set in a little more. If I knew he was 4, I'd have shot. Or if he hadn't broken off the end of his right side, I'd have killed him. The pic also let me know he wasn't any bigger than what was already on my wall and that may have saved him as much as anything.

I have a pic of another 8 on the same camera that I believe is 4 and he tickles my fancy. Not a high scorer, but wide and big brows. I'll post that up later on. He's the better deer of the two IMO.

Purdy buck! Did he act like he was the boss hog for the area?

He was really casual about everything he did with the exception of 30 seconds of their fight. It was all half assed for the most part. I know for a fact there are much bigger deer in this general area, so I don't see him being the dominate buck unless he just hangs tight to our 11 acres.


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Great looking buck! Not sure I could have held out on taking him....especially after the show he put on! Cant shoot a 150" deer if you take a 130" deer though.


Staff member
Cant shoot a 150" deer if you take a 130" deer though.

And this is where I'm at right now in my career. I've wanted an OBB qualifier for longer than I have been bowhunting and it still eludes me. The deer on my wall are trophies and I do not forsake them, however they don't scratch that "big buck" itch that I've dealt with for years. Despite their age, if I keep killing 130" deer, I'll continue to long for that OBB I've coveted for years. This buck is a trophy by some standards and many people would be thrilled to shoot him. Now that I've had some time to let yesterday's hunt sink in, I know I made the right choice. I may very well eat a tag this year and that is probably the most likely outcome to my season. But if I had turned one loose yesterday, the only guarantee is that the 2014 season would yet another season where I didn't kill a buck that satisfied a craving nearly 20 years in the making.


Dignitary Member
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North Central Ohio
And this is where I'm at right now in my career. I've wanted an OBB qualifier for longer than I have been bowhunting and it still eludes me. The deer on my wall are trophies and I do not forsake them, however they don't scratch that "big buck" itch that I've dealt with for years. Despite their age, if I keep killing 130" deer, I'll continue to long for that OBB I've coveted for years. This buck is a trophy by some standards and many people would be thrilled to shoot him. Now that I've had some time to let yesterday's hunt sink in, I know I made the right choice. I may very well eat a tag this year and that is probably the most likely outcome to my season. But if I had turned one loose yesterday, the only guarantee is that the 2014 season would yet another season where I didn't kill a buck that satisfied a craving nearly 20 years in the making.

Please let me know the time and date and I'll be more than happy to introduce him to a 3-blade Muzzy 100 :) While I agree it takes time to build a "shooter" buck, I think you are passing up great opportunities. How you guys pass up a deer of this caliber (or lack thereof in your eyes) amazes me! I am coming at you with the following comments as a friend and a brother from another mother. If you have a bone to pick with me when I'm done, call me:smiley_clap:
Missed opportunities:
Opportunities to fill your freezer.
Opportunities to build the "confidence" of being able to making "kill" shots (take your doe miss earlier this year) like it's muscle memory.
Opportunities to make sure your stand, stand up sequence, turning in the stand, changing your 1pin sight to the correct yardage, drawing back, etc. is error free.
Opportunities to work on your tracking skills.
Opportunities to have your daughter around deer and understanding that is where the food in the freezer comes from.

All of these "opportunities" is what makes a great hunter, in my mind when they are executed with excellence. I know you're stuck on killing a OBB, but does it not say something about a hunter on the number of successful hunts they've had, no matter the caliber of deer taken? Sure everyone's idea of a "successful hunt" is different, but I think a majority of hunters would prefer to have a full wall of good deer and the memories that came with them, than an empty wall with one great deer and one memory. What happens when you get that one great deer? What will be your motivation to hit the woods as hard the years to follow? Will you hang it up and only chase ducks and bands……meaaahhhhh.


Staff member
Opportunities to fill your freezer. Got a feeder in my back yard and we saw 14 does within a 1/2 mile of the house last week. My freezer will be fine.
Opportunities to build the "confidence" of being able to making "kill" shots (take your doe miss earlier this year) like it's muscle memory. I still have that confidence. There was no doubt that deer was dead. I didn't need to shoot him to verify that.
Opportunities to make sure your stand, stand up sequence, turning in the stand, changing your 1pin sight to the correct yardage, drawing back, etc. is error free. I was standing, bow in hand long before he ever got in the wheelhouse. I had 3 chances to draw when he was facing away from me. And at 5 steps, not a lot of thinking is need to pick a pin.
Opportunities to work on your tracking skills. There will be plenty of those chances. Again, no need to shoot something I won't be satisfied with just for the sake of practice.
Opportunities to have your daughter around deer and understanding that is where the food in the freezer comes from. She's too young to make that correlation and I'll kill deer this year, so she still will get to be around one.

What happens when you get that one great deer? What will be your motivation to hit the woods as hard the years to follow?I can take a deep breath and let it all soak in. Did you lose motivation after you shot what is easily the deer of a lifetime?

You are the brother I never had, so I know where you are coming from and what you are getting at. We won't ever see eye to eye when it comes to "trophy hunting". I use that phrase loosely as we all know what a trophy to be is vastly different. My trophies from that hunt are the pictures above. If I shoot that deer, I don't get to witness the scrapping, rubbing and fighting. That hunt was a success and in the long road, it was more of one because I didn't shoot...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
You are the brother I never had, so I know where you are coming from and what you are getting at. We won't ever see eye to eye when it comes to "trophy hunting". I use that phrase loosely as we all know what a trophy to be is vastly different. My trophies from that hunt are the pictures above. If I shoot that deer, I don't get to witness the scrapping, rubbing and fighting. That hunt was a success and in the long road, it was more of one because I didn't shoot...

Understood. Just know you're on a "probationary deer whining” period if you are not satisfied with your non-killing opportunitiesrotflmao


Staff member
Understood. Just know you're on a "probationary deer whining” period if you are not satisfied with your non-killing opportunitiesrotflmao

HA. No complaints here. I'm used to eating tags. Took me some time, but I finally learned that there ain't no guarantees in the deer woods. Don't matter how hard I work. How much I want it. Or how dedicated I may be; it'll simply happen when it happens. Thought for years I could WILL it to happen and that's just lunacy. I worked harder than any one person should to kill a deer during the 2006-2007 seasons and didn't kill shit but my desire to be out there. I'm over whining about deer. Really don't care much about them compared to what I used to be like. I'm to the point now that the only reason I go is to be in the woods. But I'm still not compromising because I know one of these days, it'll all come together and if I kill bucks before they reach their potential, there won't be any big ones to kill the next year.


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
HA. No complaints here. I'm used to eating tags. Took me some time, but I finally learned that there ain't no guarantees in the deer woods. Don't matter how hard I work. How much I want it. Or how dedicated I may be; it'll simply happen when it happens. Thought for years I could WILL it to happen and that's just lunacy. I worked harder than any one person should to kill a deer during the 2006-2007 seasons and didn't kill shit but my desire to be out there. I'm over whining about deer. Really don't care much about them compared to what I used to be like. I'm to the point now that the only reason I go is to be in the woods. But I'm still not compromising because I know one of these days, it'll all come together and if I kill bucks before they reach their potential, there won't be any big ones to kill the next year.

Jesse, I commend you on your decision not to take that deer. I also agree that in order to be a successful hunter, it's not what size or age buck you kill. Some of my best hunts ended without a shot being made. Who knows?, that buck may very well step out I front of you next year. Then the history and harvesting of that buck would be more memorable! Great hunt regardless


Staff member
Friday, October 31: AM Hunt - Sat in one of my favorite sets on Hippie Ridge and got skunked. Pretty shocking really as it was a great morning to be out and I can see a lot of ground from that spot.

PM Hunt - Due to the rain, I decided to sit in my blind behind my parents house. Saw 3 does towards last light. Just got lucky considering they were up on the opposite ridge 150 yards out and moving away from me.

Sunday, November 2: AM Hunt - Sat in my best stand at my parents place. Saw 3 bucks and 2 does. Got to watch a decent 8 (120) grunt and nudge a doe. That was it for the excitement.

PM Hunt - Took the climber down in the bottom at the farm and got skunked for the 3rd time in 3 sits out there. I was perched over my big food plot and could see my corn pile, yet no one was hungry. At that point, I was getting a little frustrated with the farm!

Today: AM Hunt - Sat 3 hours on our north ridge at the farm. First time I have hunted this particular stand despite it being hung for 2 years now. I saw 2 bucks, 2 does and 2 button bucks, all in range. Passed up a 4 year old buck that has horrible genetics, but he's built like a tank. He'd be lucky to go 115". I grunted and rattled him in, so that part was fun!

PM Hunt - Sat 4.5 hours in the same stand. Saw 3 bucks including Darryl. I stood up at 4 and looked behind me in the oak flat. He was milling around and appeared to be heading my way. For whatever reason, rather than follow the main trail through the funnel beneath my stand, he walked straight down in to the ravine and straight up the other side. I threw everything I had at him to no avail. Felt good to see so many deer after getting skunked 3 times. Also saw one doe right at last light.

I'm off again on Friday. Calling for a NW wind and that means I can sit my best stand at my parents place. I decided that passing that 9-point out there was a bit of a bone head move. My goals are unrealistic and I need to learn to live with killing 3 year old 130" deer. That's a good kill and given all the obstacles I'm up against, I will be happy with that for the time being.
2014 Stats

Antlerless Sightings: 25
Bucks Sightings: 16
Different Bucks: 12
Mature Bucks Seen: 4
Total Sightings: 41

Deer Killed: 0

Morning Hunts: 6
Evening Hunts: 7
All Day Sits: 0
Skunked Hunts: 5
Total Hunts: 13

Hours on Stand: 40

Average Time Per Hunt: 3 Hours 5 Minutes
Deer Seen Per Hour on Stand: 1.1

Stands/Blinds Hunted: 8
Properties Hunted: 2


Staff member
I'll update the tally later on. Gotta jot down some notes before I forget!

11/5 - 7 hours 10 deer at the farm. 5 bucks, 3 does and 2 BBs.

11/7 - 1 buck in 1.5 hours.

11/8 - 2 does and 1 buck in 8 hours.
Please let me know the time and date and I'll be more than happy to introduce him to a 3-blade Muzzy 100 :) While I agree it takes time to build a "shooter" buck, I think you are passing up great opportunities. How you guys pass up a deer of this caliber (or lack thereof in your eyes) amazes me! I am coming at you with the following comments as a friend and a brother from another mother. If you have a bone to pick with me when I'm done, call me:smiley_clap:
Missed opportunities:
Opportunities to fill your freezer.
Opportunities to build the "confidence" of being able to making "kill" shots (take your doe miss earlier this year) like it's muscle memory.
Opportunities to make sure your stand, stand up sequence, turning in the stand, changing your 1pin sight to the correct yardage, drawing back, etc. is error free.
Opportunities to work on your tracking skills.
Opportunities to have your daughter around deer and understanding that is where the food in the freezer comes from.

All of these "opportunities" is what makes a great hunter, in my mind when they are executed with excellence. I know you're stuck on killing a OBB, but does it not say something about a hunter on the number of successful hunts they've had, no matter the caliber of deer taken? Sure everyone's idea of a "successful hunt" is different, but I think a majority of hunters would prefer to have a full wall of good deer and the memories that came with them, than an empty wall with one great deer and one memory. What happens when you get that one great deer? What will be your motivation to hit the woods as hard the years to follow? Will you hang it up and only chase ducks and bands……meaaahhhhh.

I know I'm late to this party, but. One doesn't need to kill deer every season to be successful. Most of the opportunities you speak of can be acquired by target practice in the backyard. Not to crucify you, but your type of mentality has been a big help in reducing our herd to numbers that are not pretty. I haven't shot an arrow in 3 seasons and it has nothing to do with missed opportunities, or lack of hunting skills. We all have our goals that we want to achieve. Thing is all are goals are different from one anothers. A wall full of antlers is nice for some, but it is not my cup of tea. I prefer hunting for a buck or bucks that I desire to kill. Killing just any buck that comes by to add to my trophy wall would shorten my season and leave me a bit unsatisfied. To each their own though.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
I know I'm late to this party, but. One doesn't need to kill deer every season to be successful. Most of the opportunities you speak of can be acquired by target practice in the backyard. Not to crucify you, but your type of mentality has been a big help in reducing our herd to numbers that are not pretty. I haven't shot an arrow in 3 seasons and it has nothing to do with missed opportunities, or lack of hunting skills. We all have our goals that we want to achieve. Thing is all are goals are different from one anothers. A wall full of antlers is nice for some, but it is not my cup of tea. I prefer hunting for a buck or bucks that I desire to kill. Killing just any buck that comes by to add to my trophy wall would shorten my season and leave me a bit unsatisfied. To each their own though.

Dick, not crucifing me at all! I completely understand what my harvest does to the local deer herd, but you will also find I am not the most vocal about numbers dropping like some areas have seen. Sure I would like a larger herd, but I can not complain about the number of deer I see while hunting given my location. I hunt, I eat, and my family eats. When it comes down to it that is why I hunt, so that's my measure of success. Jesse and I have a complete understanding of each of our measures. This is just gentle ribbing.

While I believe practicing helps, not one example I listed can be done in the back yard. Every seasoned hunter knows when it comes down to "crunch time", it is a lot different than a "paper plate". I say the following things jokingly, but they carry weight I feel.
-Only the garden in my backyard can add to my freezer, not target practicing.
-I can't replicate a live deer encounter, or the dreaded buck fever in my backyard.I surely don't feel the pressure of trying to balance myself in the stand, draw quietly, anchor, float pin and release, while practicing in the backyard.
-My hunting stand creeks like crazy. I have to know proper foot placement at all time. I don't have a cloan treestand that will act exactly the same, while practicing in the backyard.
-I have never had to track my target, or even see it bleed, while practicing in the backyard.
-OK, baby K gets her fair share of dead deer opportunites throughout the fall. :)

Jesse and I go a little ways back, and this is just another small skirmish in our "Trophy Hunting" escapades. I feel bad he regrets not shooting this buck now, but I know him well enough (not I think, I know this) to know he wouldn't be able to let this one go without second thought. He has passion, and with that passion comes frustration. He's killed many a deer and some big bucks in his time, but he's now at the point where it will take a REALLY good deer. With that type of goal, there will be times of tag soup and frustrating entire hunting seasons. If he's going to do it, he's going to have to have small successes to keep him engaged. So either the measure changes, or the success happens.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
What we try to talk ourselves into and how it works out in the stand aren't always the same. I tell myself "mature buck regardless the antler size is a trophy." Given the opportunity at such deer doesn't always equate to loosing an arrow at said deer. I admire your determination for a deer like Darryl. Not an easy feat. Good luck Jesse. You and I and many others put high expectations on ourselves at times. When you tag the one you have your heart set on it will be very rewarding for you. Lying to yourself about settling for a 130" 3yr old is ok. Not sure if it will put out the fire which is burning. I don't know. I am not in your shoes. Do what makes you happy. Maybe it is a 3yr old? Still makes a good hunting story and puts meat in the freezer if your true passion is to chase ducks now. Best of luck whatever direction you choose.