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Jesse's 2015 Season Journal


Staff member
Seen some deer the past two days. Had my typical luck in the process...

2015 Stats

Antlerless Sightings: 64
Bucks Sightings: 21
Different Bucks: 15
Sub 120: 9
120+ 6
Shooters Seen: 3
Total Sightings: 85

Deer Killed: 1

Morning Hunts: 8
Evening Hunts: 9
All Day Sits: 2
Skunked Hunts: 0
Total Hunts: 19

Hours on Stand: 70

Average Time Per Hunt: 3 Hours 40 Minutes
Deer Seen Per Hour on Stand: >1

Stands/Blinds Hunted: 10
Properties Hunted: 3


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
Just to give you a little perspective Jesse I had 6 deer here on opening morning of muzzloader season on 10/31. Muzzloader ended on 11/10 and I never saw another deer. Rifle started 11/11 and I have yet to see a deer. This is after only seeing 3 deer in a week in Ohio. Prior to that I would say I've had 10 sightings or so in early season. I've seen 20 deer in 2 months and you've seen 85. I realize comparing NH to Ohio is apples and oranges. However I honestly dont think my total deer sightings in NH and Ohio combined the last 5 years is much more than 85. You've seen that many in half a season.

I know how you feel when it comes to hunting luck. Some times I sit back and think I must be the worst hunter in the world. If it can go wrong it always seems to happen to me. This sport along with baseball are two of the hardest things to be successful at. Both will crush your soul but the strong will keep coming back to feel the sweetness of success just one more time.

My advice to you is to step back, reflect and figure out what got you in to deer hunting years ago. Hunt when you feel it and stay home when you don't. By the looks of things you've built a nice spot on your farm. I'm sure you'll have more bucks to chase in the future. Until you find that one, hunt for the fun of it.


Staff member
Good insight AJ. Based on past seasons where I have kept a tally, this has been a great season for seeing deer:

2011-2012: 101 in 37 Hunts
2012-2013: 61 in 19 Hunts - (Short season due to killing a buck on 11/5)
2013-2014: 82 in 28 Hunts
2014-2015: 77 in 27 Hunts

I attribute that to not killing does on the farm since 2010 and I tend to hunt in areas where I can see a lot of ground, so I pick up deer that are not in bow range a lot more than deer that are in range. One of the things I really enjoy while hunting is simply seeing deer, so this season has been a resounding success in that regard. I still have a decent amount of hunting left, so I expect to have my best season in years (and maybe ever) in terms of deer numbers seen while hunting.

Interesting little development over the last week. On Monday when I shot that coyote, I trailed him for a little ways in to a thick area of briars before giving up. One the way back out, I was following a trail that runs past a tree I've been eyeballing for a treestand for 3-4 years now. I need to do a little work to get in there, so it'll have to wait until next year. While I was following the trail, I got a little confirmation that it is indeed a good spot. Not only did I find some great rubs and a massive scrape, I found the 6th shed of my career...

At first I didn't recognize the deer. Then last night I was sorting through pics on my phone to locate another pic, when I saw this buck from last December and realized, it was his shed...

I'm not sold on this because he barely grew, but the "new" buck from this weekend looks a lot like him. Bigger body and more mass, but barely added any tine length.

All I know is that at this point in my season, this deer has moved in to the #3 spot on the list of bucks I'd shoot. Time will tell what happens, but I'd like to think this is the same buck and now we are building a little history...


Staff member
Going to hit the woods tomorrow with a different perspective on things. Being unemployed means counting pennies and with a freezer almost void of venison, we need meat now more than ever. I don't see me passing up many good shots from here on out, so that fork horn I've been seeing, might be in trouble tomorrow!


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
Good luck. No place better than a treestand when you have a bunch of crap on your mind. Hope you have a relaxing hunt followed by dragging one out of the woods.


Staff member
First day back in the woods since last weekend. Figured with the front passing through, it would be a good day. It was strangely quiet all day. 20 minutes before last light, I had 4 does come from the NE and one from the SE. The one coming from the SE is the one I call Caitlyn. She's going to be hard enough to kill, I'll use my second tag on her if she gets on bow range before I kill a buck. I'm guessing she's 5-6 years old and now she's pissed me off...

The other 4 all passed by at 25 yards. 3 adults and one fawn. My wife will take one of them out if they carry on with that routine for a while.

2015 Stats

Antlerless Sightings: 70
Bucks Sightings: 21
Different Bucks: 15
Sub 120: 9
120+ 6
Shooters Seen: 3
Total Sightings: 91

Deer Killed: 1

Morning Hunts: 9
Evening Hunts: 10
All Day Sits: 2
Skunked Hunts: 0
Total Hunts: 21

Hours on Stand: 75

Average Time Per Hunt: 3 Hours 34 Minutes
Deer Seen Per Hour on Stand: >1

Stands/Blinds Hunted: 10
Properties Hunted: 3


Staff member
Something dawned on me today. I just like to hunt and kill deer. I don't particularly enjoy hunting specific deer any more. Today was fun. Only saw a doe with fawns, and didn't pull the trigger, but it was an enjoyable hunt. Got to see the sunrise in a new spot. Felt that excitement when I thought I heard a deer, or saw a deer and then when I finally did see some at 9:30. I kind of turned my back on how I grew up hunting and I miss it. Toting a gun around new spots looking for food. I haven't taken gun season serious for several years and that will change this year. Looking forward to spending some more time out there with family/friends and seeing some different ground, or at least doing things differently than I have in the past. Could be a nice body count for me by the end of next week!


Staff member
Ended up seeing 14 deer on Monday, 11 at the farm and 3 at my parent's. Could have killed 13 of them, but I'm not killing does off either place right now. It was a fun day and it pushed me over the 100 deer mark for the year. It's officially the most productive season I've ever had in terms of deer sightings.

2015 Stats

Antlerless Sightings: 84
Bucks Sightings: 21
Different Bucks: 15
Sub 120: 9
120+ 6
Shooters Seen: 3
Total Sightings: 105

Deer Killed: 1

Morning Hunts: 10
Evening Hunts: 11
All Day Sits: 2
Skunked Hunts: 0
Total Hunts: 23

Hours on Stand: 80

Average Time Per Hunt: 3 Hours 28 Minutes
Deer Seen Per Hour on Stand: >1

Stands/Blinds Hunted: 10
Properties Hunted: 3