With the latest batch of pictures giving me a little boost, it's time to get my mind back in the game! Honestly, I haven't been feeling it lately. Between chores around the house, sending time with my daughter and duck hunting, my mind is about as far from deer hunting as it has ever been. Over the years I've come to enjoy the process of hunting deer more than the actual hunting. Some of that comes from my enjoyment of planting food plots, hanging stands and running cameras. A good bit of it comes from my new found love of hunting ducks. Duck hunting has really changed my perspective on deer; both in a good, and a bad way. The bad part is that I have more fun hunting ducks and it makes deer hunting seem like a chore. The good part is hunting ducks keeps me out of the woods in October. This is the part that may play the biggest part in any success I have this year in the deer woods.
Right now we have 4 acres of standing corn on our 80 acres. The 50 acres next to us that I hunt also has 4 acres on it. The corn on our place will come down in a week or so, but the other will be up for a while. This is the only corn in the general area. I just put out 30 bushels of ear corns to partner up with my 1 acre of food plots. The food plots look great and are keeping the does fed. With at least 11 does using our farm, I have it all on 130 acres: food, water, cover and plenty of tail to chase.
So what's the plan? I haven't hunted the farm yet and don't plan to until October 24th at the earliest. I have 7 stand sites and one blind set right now. When the corn comes down, the farmer is leaving me 8 rows so that I can hide a ground blind in it. That blind will have 3 acres of cut corn on one side, and a 1/2 acre oat/brassica plot on the other. All of these spots are places I have confidence in. I also have 6 other spots I can hunt with my mobile setup if I chose to. Overall, I feel like something has to give sooner or later for me in the luck department. Time to enjoy the next couple of weeks and then bring my A game and get after it!
2015 Stats
Antlerless Sightings: 3
Bucks Sightings: 0
Different Bucks: 0
Mature Bucks Seen: 0
Total Sightings: 3
Deer Killed: 0
Morning Hunts: 1
Evening Hunts: 1
All Day Sits: 0
Skunked Hunts: 0
Total Hunts: 2
Hours on Stand: 3
Average Time Per Hunt: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Deer Seen Per Hour on Stand: 1
Stands/Blinds Hunted: 2
Properties Hunted: 1