I feel your pain Joe! Lots of good advise here but I'd just add, just wait till the harshes of winter come upon us and these douchebags won't be out hunting and you'll pretty much have everything to yourself. Just sayin'!
fuggin 7 guys posted while I was dawdling around with my post....fugg <embarrassed smiley>
Those big mature deer most likely just hunker down when all the dipshits are trudging around. Those mature deer have been exposed to that kind of activity longer than all the other deer around, think about it...The chances of the careless hunter or weekend warrior tagging one of the brutes in your area is really quite slim.
I feel your pain Joe, what you experienced this year is commonplace every year up here where I live.
The first morning of gun season I got to my spot to sit, a place where I had carefully bowhunted all fall without seeing a single person, when in pulled a S-10 truck with Tennessee license plates....the guy got out and introduced himself to me as Eddie..... Johnny's (landowners son) cousin from Tennesee....
I said hello, he said, im going back yonder over there to sit....and my other cousin is sitting on the other side of the creek....
FUCK! ruined my plans for the day that's for sure. So much for the patterning I did of a really nice buck....these guys were telling me they were going to sit right where I have been hunting all fall and where I planned to be that day.
What could I do? Nothing really, just smiled and told him good luck and went to one of my other stands.
You will be faced with similar issues even if you find a lease, maybe not to the same degree but you will still face challenges.
Most of us could never purchase or lease a property large enough to have complete control over the deer.
I have a large tract of land that I have exclusive hunting rights to. The problem is the deer don't seem to understand the property lines very well. They don't understand that if they would just stay on the property that the chances of them being killed is minisclue.
We have many of the largest sections of woods on the property off limits all fall, we never venture into them. It does provide a sanctuary of sorts but they are not all always smart enough to understand it.
I run a bunch of cameras all year and get to know the deer really well. When I watch the drives on the adjoining properties I know many of my resident deer are being hammered. When I watch a group of does or any buck cross the property lines during the gun seasons I know I will hear a shot(s) any second and most of the time I do.
I know I have a great setup that anybody would like to have, I get it and I really do understand what I have and appreciate it. However even in this great situation there are some issues that bother me that I just can't control no matter how much time, energy and money I invest.
I know it sounds like I'm whining when I have little to whine about, but the reality is that unless you control HUGE areas of property you still will have stuff to deal with that you don't like.
Hunting is meant to be fun. I have been hunting for 30+ years and have been where you are. Frustratated ready to give up pissed off about it all wondering why I don't enjoy it like I used too. When I get like that its time to rethink what I'm doing,cause I do love to hunt. So what ever I'm doing that is causing the stress I quit doing it. Do some other hunting that you haven't done in years or something that you used to enjoy. I have walked out of the woods already on the first day of gobbler season 20 min. after light because I just didn't feel like being there. May sound strange to some but if it(hunting) starts to feel like work or stresses me I just don't do it. Since I adopted that attitude I enjoy hunting a whole lot more.
Quitter. You all take hunting way to seriously. Slow down and enjoy what god has made for you to enjoy. He didnt only make big bucks, he made all kinda of things that should put a smile on your face when you see or hear them. No one deserves a big buck. I don't care how hard you work for it or scout it or do whatever to get it. You don't deserve it. Im not saying you are wrong for being annoyed or upset. All I am saying is that you are taking it Way to serious. And that kills the point. Hunting isn't supposed to be about killing big giant deer. IMO it is about being with nature, learning/gainin grespect, being with family and most of all relaxing. Take a few Steps back Joe and think about it. Who gives a shit if you kill Tank or a 120" 8 pt. it's just a deer. What do you need to kill the big one for? To show off? I had found myself guilty of the big buck bs for a few years and it made me hate hunting. Shoot whatever makes you happy. My 115 " 8 point made me just as happy as my biggest buck.
We have had this conversation Joe. Is it the hunt? Or is it the kill? Is it picking up a chick in Nashville? Or is knowing you could have? I know your answer. It is not about the kill. You just want the opportunity without the distractions.
My buddy bought a chunk. Neighboring properties were low pressure. We still have issues. Last week I didn't hunt deer. I hunted trespassers. Even if you own a large chunk, I don't think you will ever totally escape these issues. . . . .not in Ohio. Maybe out west somewhere, but not here. You find that happy medium place where you can pursue (and see) deer which make you grin, and latch onto it buddy. I still think it is cheaper to lease it than buy it though. Learning this by watching my buddy purchase a large chunk, purchasing a small chunk myself, and being the supposedly "only" hunter on another property. In Ohio, we are never alone. There will always be some jackwaggon screwing it up.
Oh, I did buy some property last month. It's not huge, but it's mine. It needs work, but it's a blank canvas. I can make a sanctuary out of it and I'm going to enjoy the hell out of.
Where is the "Like" button?!? :smiley_clap:
I'll second that!!!!
Congrats Mike!
This kind of reminds me of myself, in a way. I've fished hard all of my life. When I moved to Ohio, I discovered the walleye run in the Maumee River. It took me a couple of seasons to figure it out and I got good, really good. Fifteen years later, I don't even want to think about it. I got sick of all the dicks and I stopped enjoying myself. For a lot of years it was a numbers game and it became a chore. How many could I catch in one season? Now, I force myself to go so I can get some walleye in the freezer. I know guys that would give their left nut to live as close to the river as I do. Five years ago I decided to try hunting because I loved venison. Deer hunting is my new love. I feel that I am privileged to even be able to kill a deer and I wish I would have discovered deer hunting 20 years ago. I never want deer hunting to turn into the Maumee river walleye run. I don't know what I'm trying to say, but I relate to your feelings, Joe. The only consolation, is that I have found some enjoyment in the walleye run by changing my tactics. I rarely wade the river anymore. By taking my boat out, I can hit areas where no body else can bother me. I'm going to crack another beer.