Growing up in Mississippi and Alabama I know what you guys are talking about. They both had extremely liberal bag limits for deer. One point certain parts of Alabama was a doe a day and no season limit. Mississippi had a season limit of nine does and three bucks and it was all on the honor system. Despite all that though I never really had problems finding deer. I'm sure some of that had to do with the fact that I hunted primarily in the nutrient rich Mississippi River Delta. That and the fact that while the bag limits were extremely high, we also had massive expanses of timber, i'm sure there were deer in that delta that had never seen a human. And despite having the ability to hunt with a high-powered rifle I would say they were equally as challenging to kill as they are in Ohio with a bow. In Ohio a dear will stand 100 yards out in a field and just look at me. He knows he safe. Back in Mississippi however if you farted within 400 yards of one he took off to the next county because he knew that 7mm mag would reach him. Glad you enjoyed your time in Southeast Ohio. Next time you're back up give Jesse a ring maybe he could show you around a bit.