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Live from Louisiana


Ragin Cajun.
Ok finished deboning our kills and went to the processor to have smoked sausage, pineapple and brown sugar sausage made. It is awesome.

Gonna roll out in the morning to meet the rain coming in. It’s supposed to drop up to 6” of rain Friday and Saturday w a slight chance Sunday in the morning. I plan on hunting in it lol. Will have my waders on and rain jacket on. It will be an adventure for sure. If the line is strong I will wait and let it pass before climbing a tree. We are the Bayou State so it is what it is. The lottery Hunt is Saturday and Sunday. After that we will Hunt my property through Wednesday as a cold front is behind the rain. I will update tomorrow after I get to the camp.


Ragin Cajun.
Back is much better. Fixing to cross the river. It will be upper 30’s to low 40’s w up to 6” of rain. All about the adventure.

Publicland mafia
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Ragin Cajun.

How mad are you? Lol


Ragin Cajun.
Well we ain’t mad haha. Our poons are warm and dry at the camp. Actually half of them are still sleeping. The weather should brake in an hour or two. It’s cold and feels very wet, wind is blowing w gust up to 25. Fixing to cook breakfast


Ragin Cajun.
Ok update. We rolled out w a light sprinkle. It was around 10:30. Hit the Atv trail and woods were flooded. Took us 30 minutes to build a few logs to get across the ditch that was nut deep. Waded our to tree that was just under knee deep. Climbed tree and got set. Then the rain started and wind was humping. Heard a few trees fall and bunch of limbs.

Other two buddy’s were smarter than us as they waited the rain out. They got in the tree and one of them shoots a doe.

5:00 pm came and text my buddy that I was getting down. I was freezing. Got to bottom of tree still in the stand, turned around to get off and top of stand slides over making me do a head first barrel roll from the side. Nice 5’ fall, nothing hurt but pride and a really wet ass as the water was around 8” deep.

My buddy that was w me was climbing a red oak and said he was 15’ up and bottom slipped and he went straight to the bottom bear hugging the tree. The top of stand was still up in the tree. He said he bear hugged the tree to get the top out.

Long story short, my other buddy didn’t find his doe. Think he’s 0 for 4 lol. Anyway should be cold and drier in the morning. We will all have waders on.
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Ragin Cajun.
My two boys are rolling in tonight. My buddy’s that we’re here and missed the doe went home. They a little soft. One of them has a grand baby being born tomorrow so that’s understood.

And yes today was a total mess. Seems I can’t do anything right this year. Last year I couldn’t do anything wrong and killed 3 mature bucks. In the big scheme, I’ve been there before and thankful to the good Lord that he has blessed me with another year. Remember it could always be worse to count your blessings even when it feels like things aren’t so well.


Ragin Cajun.
Well the deer are kicking our ass. Water everywhere but had a nice hunt w cold feet. Idk what we gonna do this evening. My property has a bridge and it’s nut deep, too deep for atv.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Haha funny bitch. Vary slippery. We about to head out.

Oh shit. I seriously forgot you took a spill on the steps. I was just remembering a cabin we had back home with a covered porch like that and the boards were black like those. They were worse than ice when they got the tinyest bit wet. It was almost like an algie slime film.
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