Bout to get out of the stand, it’s been a different kind of hunt. Driving to the property on a small gravel road w no traffic on it there was a big deer laid across the road where I can’t pass. Got out and it’s a big buck w horns knocked off. I grab its legs and the deer had to be hit 10 minutes earlier. Drug it to the side of the road and went to property.
Hunter hunted on the river with Pearl and only shot a couple times at marginal shots killing nothing. I told him go pick up that deer and we will salvage what we can. It was still there so looking like backstraps for dinner tonight. Just not in me to let something go to wastes. Hopefully Hunter has it cleaned before I get back haha.
Oh I only seen a doe and fawn and 6 out of the 7 turkeys, I guess one fell victim to a bobcat.