I'm being spoiled this year.
Changed things up. Climbed up an f'n mountain with a 5 gallon bucket to sit on to a spot I haven't ever sat.
Major funnel. Inside corner, ridges coming together with deep ass drainages that are damn near impossible to cross. Can't believe I haven't hunted there or had a stand set.
Running late as shit. As soon as I sat down had two does come through. Fork horn followed. He was under 10 yards. 3 does after that munching on acorns constantly checking back where they came from. Eventually a buck popped out, singled one doe out and dogged her out of there full speed. Saw silhouettes of 2 others at dusk.
Need to pop the millennium up sky scraper style, or dig in a good ground spot. Stand will really allow me to cover that passage.
Not sure how much hunting is in store for the weekend, but am at least hanging a set.
This place has always been better for big boy appearances the latter half of november