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Live From the Stand 2017.

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
No. They lease the farm that borders us to the N, and partway on the E & W. Last 2 years, they've killed the #1 target 50 yards either side of the farm as both bucks worked towards our place. The one today left our place and got shot. I don't begrudge them, but it still sucks. Better than hunting ghosts I guess.

Yea it does suck, hope people don’t hate on me being from NC. At least I own I my land. Lol


Junior Member
NE Ohio
Alright boys. Cold and snow cover on garbage cans this am. Windy as the devil. Field and Stream marks this as the best day of the year if you buy into that sort of thing. Let’s get er done!


Junior Member
NE Ohio
Up and in, got a good wind, balls either inside body or in wife's purse, but certainly aren't present

Long as they’re not hangin on a fence wire.

As I typed that just had a large shooter go busting through the woods behind me. First buck of year and first deer all week. Didn’t see what he was chasing. Didn’t see him or his lover emerge so maybe he’ll turn around. Heat is on boys. Hearts a pumping. Large, large deer.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good luck everyone! I'm down in the hollow outta the wind. Hope the deer had the same idea.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Pair of nervous does 100-200yds out. Big body buck pursuing. Probable shooter. Didn't get great look. Heavy. Threw the book at him. Either didn't hear or didn't care. Hope they drag him by me though!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Settled in for all day sit at 6am. Had 4 does hang around for awhile and wonder off. Isn't there something supposed to be going on this time of November?