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LIVE from the stand 2018-19


Supporting Member
Ross County
2018-11-14 08.48.50.jpg

2018-11-14 08.54.57.jpg

So far, 6 deer seen.
  1. 2 - unidentified deer @6:15
  2. 1 Doe @ 7:20
  3. 1 Six Point Buck @8:10
  4. 1 Spike Horn @8:30
  5. 1 Different Six Point @8:50
All of them within bow range and yes, it's bitter cold this morning.

Good luck out there fellas!


Supporting Member
Ross County
Did an all day sit today and I was comfortable as can be, even during the snow/sleet/rain.

Seen seven deer total for the day.
  1. Button Buck @8:10
  2. Spike Horn Buck @9:05
  3. Six Point Buck @1:10
  4. Lone Doe @4:50
  5. Three other deer after quitting time within cut bean field while walking out.
This is the second day where I've seen Does that were completely alone and bucks trailing not to far behind.

I kinda expected the rut to officially kick off around here today, however it appears it might be tomorrow or the next.

I just know it's very close.

I'll be pulling another all day'er tomorrow in a stand somewhere.

Good night gang!

Well, as I predicted,,,


At least at my area anyhow...

I just had two mature bucks on a dead run chasing a hot Doe within 40 yards of me, then out into the CRP field in front of me.

They were flying & scared the shit out of me cause they came from nowhere.

One of those bucks has a half rack 'TOO'!

Now I'm waiting for her to lead them back to me.

Nothing but good times now fellas.

Good luck out there!


Supporting Member
Ross County
Well, as I predicted,,,


At least at my area anyhow...

I just had two mature bucks on a dead run chasing a hot Doe within 40 yards of me, then out into the CRP field in front of me.

They were flying & scared the shit out of me cause they came from nowhere.

One of those bucks has a half rack 'TOO'!

Now I'm waiting for her to lead them back to me.

Nothing but good times now fellas.

Good luck out there!

Just had another different buck cruise by trailing where that Doe went.

I have a feeling the rest of day's hunt is going to be awesome!

Ross County btw...
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Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
I was walking to blind got behind it had a nice big doe run out. I am like sweet I am not even going to sit down. Was going to shoot and the neighbor kids were being loud all the way up at their house a 1/4 mile away and she ran off.


Supporting Member
Ross County
21 deer sightings for the day!

Our deer rut started this afternoon in Ross County.

Most all encounters with the exception of maybe a half a dozen were within bow range 'TOO'!

6 in morning - 3 bucks; 1 Doe & 2 unidentified.

4 midday - 2 mature bucks after a hot doe plus one more buck 20 minutes trailing those three.

11 more from 4:00 on until I made it home - 2 different bucks after a different hot doe, 5 antlerless deer scattered about and 4 unidentified while hiking home this evening.

The woods basically exploded with deer shortly after 2:00 pm today.

It was definitely a great day to be out evening though it was a tiny bit chilly, however I was as comfortable as can be thanks to my insulated boot covers and my 'Body Heater Suite'.

You can bet that I'll be back at it again tomorrow despite the shitty weather that's in the forecast.

Until then,,,

Good Night 'TOO'ville!
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Junior Member
SE Ohio
Bone chilling cold!
This morning saw 1 spike buck and a nice Tom turkey. Left at 10 am. Back in at 2. Saw a spike buck grunting and chasing a doe with a baby. Then another lone doe. Followed shortly after by 2 bucks both stopped to hit scrape along logging road. Active hunting day for cold and windy.
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around Toledo
My thoughts tonight after getting settled in after 10 minutes.
Is that a deer moving
Yep, grab crossbow.
Ugg stupid basket 8. Gonna bother me all afternoon. Nice he kept going.
I need to eat apple.
Is that a deer? Grab bino's and look
Yep big buck, why da fuk is he over there?
Text Mike and tell him (he's familiar with my stand location)
Shit 4 does coming explains why he was there.
Grab crossbow.
Please turn left at blow down
Yes! little one in front goes left
Shit other 3 go right.
Damn they went out of sight.
Text Mike and tell him I hope they circle around .
Almost dark
Should I stop and have a beer on the way home?
Oh shit here they come
Getting dark
Damn too dark.
Beer it is