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LIVE from the stand 2019-20


Supporting Member
Ross County
Was running a little behind, but I made it back up in the tree with the climber in a corner with an ideal crosswind .

It's beautiful out!

Good luck everybody that's out this evening!


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
Way to go Giles! I was in this stand last night and had a few deer come out right at dark and hang out a few yards away. I had to stay in the tree quite a bit past dark until they left. Now I’m back in the same spot hoping they come out just a few minutes earlier and do the same thing. Good luck everyone!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Lol, classic Rick!

Atta boy Dave, congrats on a nice doe and thanks for filling my ask for someone to connect today. Damn, gonna have to start labeling you under reliable.
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
So here’s my delayed “live from the stand”. Jon has talked about hunting this property all week. I spent Monday to Friday up north at dads place. Christine has been kinda iffy on attitude so I was going to give her a break and stay home this weekend. Obviously that didn’t work out.

Around noon I text Jon and told him I was going. He said he’d be at my place around 2-2:30. No worries as this place is 23 minutes from my garage door. Plenty of time.

We had a guy this morning hunting in our group that had wounded a doe and another guy missed one last night (not the same property, but all part of the same program). The lead guy in charge of this threw a stab at them about “the group that wounds deer”. So I made sure to double check zero before going out. That extra step that took 3 minutes gave me the confidence to squeeze the trigger.

Anyways, Jon gets here and we load up as I had the smoker going in my truck with my gear in it. I ease my way out there and we go our separate ways. I’m not even to the spot I want to hunt and spot 3 deer headed at me! 60 yards and I’m standing on the same trail they are on. Nothing between us but air.

I crouch down, nock one and bring the crossbow up. They don’t have a clue I’m there. Wind swirling but most blowing right at them. I think I have zero chance at this working out but hold my ground. After about 10 minutes the lead doe is at 20 yards and my arms get to shaking. Shaking hard enough that the bolt is rattling on the rail.

At this point I almost burst out laughing and let them blow out so I can get to my spot. My arms hurt, my legs are asleep and I’m not sure I can wait much longer. The two fawns get to messing around and she takes a couple of bounds towards me. Now she’s feet away and looking back at them.

Fugg it, if I can settle myself, I can easily pull this off. So I dug deep and settled myself. Bow went off and she leaped towards me! I dropped the bow expecting to defend myself from the hooves! She landed past me and off she went. Other deer going the other way.

I give her a little while and take up the track. Blood everywhere but 30 yards into this I hear crashing. So I back out.

Wait 2 hours and I’m about to get sick thinking that I messed up. Double guessing my shot and bumping her, I’m a wreck. I hear footsteps and it’s Jon! 5 in the afternoon and he walked back to the truck!! What the...first thing I look at is his quiver, still full. What are you doing?! “Let’s go find your deer”

She was right about the same spot I watched the crashing. Guessing I watched her death roll.

Shooting a deer at 10’ away from the ground is beyond exciting! Michael is on his way over with his kids because mine said they wanted to butcher her up with them. TOO good!