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LIVE from the stand 2020-21

Boys, I am at that critical point of hunting 5 days in a row where it’s the trade off between what stand you want to hunt vs putting too much pressure on one stand vs. spreading it around. Been hunting on stand more than the others. Do you guys worry less about over hunting a stand during the rut vs. other times? Or purposely mix it up ?
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The Flatlands
Hunted some public again this morning, saw a nice high 130s 10 that wanted nothing to do with my grunts and bleats, had a doe come in from the same direction that browsed down wind of me for 30-40 min, then nothing until 9:30. Decided to do a grunting/rattling sequence. Either these does were wandering through or I spoooked them out of their beds with my calling, they were definitely on edge at 70 yds then went back to where they came from, but did call in a spike. Debating on plans for this evening. 1. Head straight home after a short nap in the truck, 2. hunt the same ridge that sucked yesterday evening then head home, 3. hunt the sucky evening ridge then hunt it in the morning then head home or 4. head up to some other public I found on the map that’s 1.5 hours closer to home And do an evening /maybe morning sit. 🤔


Boys, I am at that critical point of hunting 5 days in a row where it’s the trade off between what stand you want to hunt vs putting too much pressure on one stand vs. spreading it around. Been hunting on stand more than the others. Do you guys worry less about over hunting a stand during the rut vs. other times? Or purposely mix it up ?
I blew a bunch of deer out of my main stand today. Dont do it.


Hunted some public again this morning, saw a nice high 130s 10 that wanted nothing to do with my grunts and bleats, had a doe come in from the same direction that browsed down wind of me for 30-40 min, then nothing until 9:30. Decided to do a grunting/rattling sequence. Either these does were wandering through or I spoooked them out of their beds with my calling, they were definitely on edge at 70 yds then went back to where they came from, but did call in a spike. Debating on plans for this evening. 1. Head straight home after a short nap in the truck, 2. hunt the same ridge that sucked yesterday evening then head home, 3. hunt the sucky evening ridge then hunt it in the morning then head home or 4. head up to some other public I found on the map that’s 1.5 hours closer to home And do an evening /maybe morning sit. 🤔View attachment 113385
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Hilarious. I'm in my ghillie back from where they're taking corn off. It's near county property that's a park. This family was lost and walked up on me one by one. Dad, mom, daughter one, daughter two and then daughter three looks me dead straight in the eyes. Saucers lol. They made it onto the pasture at which time I told them that they were trespassing. Gold.