This morning I saw four antlerless deer between 6:45-7:00 a.m. in the alfalfa field to the South.
I watched them head to the back of field to the SE, into wooded area, perhaps to bed for the day after grazing within the field. One adult doe and three young ones.
Shortly afterwards, I heard Beagles & Hounds on the other side of the small creek wooded area, within the South CRP field, plus a couple of hunters wooten & halloring.
Those dogs finally caught up with the deer I saw go into woods earlier and they chased them down the hill and through the lower CRP field, straight to the back of my property where the main creek is.
Shortly afterwards, the wooting & halloring hunters showed up at the top of the hill/ridge to my East, approximate 130 yards away, trying to call thier dogs off on those deer.
They eventually worked thier way back to the hunters, back through the lower CRP field again.
Needless to say, my hunt got spoiled early.
So, I packed up at 7:50 a.m. and headed home down through the other South creek the runs beside my home. I noticed some fresh deer tracks, big & little, which I presume belongs to those deer running for thier lives moments ealier, headed West, straight off the property.
Now I am set up where I normally coyote hunt. The property where those tracks headed, across the road from my home.
I grabbed my 'Lone Wolf Alpha' system and took off from the shop at 9:30 a.m.
I am now in between standing corn to the North, a mini cut corn field within a bowl, also to the North, water - a small creek and cut corn, both of those to the South.
Below is my view from the stand to the North, which is a photograph and then a 360 degree video, from the stand, which is 40 seconds long.
(Looking to the North towards the stand corn and the mini cut corn within the bowl.)
(360* view, starting from the West, turning to the North, clockwise.)
I am going to enjoy the rest of the day with this relaxing warm southern breeze in my face.
Good luck to all those that are out hunting or soon to be!