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LIVE from the stand 2020-21


Supporting Member
Ross County
First set of antlers just showed up at the #1 PLB, that's on the ground now. He's in search of the three that came through moments earlier.

A huge bodied spike.
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Active Member
The Flatlands
Long story short, almost had an opportunity at a very old buck, never took the last two steps I needed him to per usual, had other plans and went the other way. About 8:30 had a near shooter buck cross at 20 yds. 9:10 a shooter appears on the far side of the field and went into the bedding area, bumped two does toward me in the field then he pushed them back into the thicket. Hopefully they lead him here, or he gets bored and wanders over to the food plot to scent check. Have a Dr Appt at 2, gonna sit till noon if the actiOn persists.


Active Member
The Flatlands
@Spencie nothing can seems to line up. Mature buck at 6 yds should’ve been game over lol. Upset in the moment. He crossed back across but at 93 yds. Looked like he went south and might be making a loop back this way?


Supporting Member
Ross County
Settled back in for the remainder of the day at my 'Southern CRP Stand' that is neatly tucked at the bottom of the South ridge, just off the SE corner of the lower CRP field, just yards to the North. Another bigger cut down CRP field further to the SE, just on the other side of a hedge row of honeysuckles and a small stream.

This is the first sit in this stand this season. I chose it due to the stiff West wind we are receiving today. It'll be a crosswind out into the CRP field, where many of the deer bed during the day, or just on the opposite side of it, near my 'Northern CRP Stand, which is right next to that super thick area, where much of the bigger bucks bed and hide.

(Left to right, top to bottom. View from the stand today, looking NE, NW, W & SW. Wind is mild below the top of this ridge and it's straight in my face.)

Good luck to whomever is hunting this afternoon/evening!


Well-Known Member
In the Uplands
Man this wind is still kicking pretty good here. Can’t sit my stand that has been dynamite due to all the dead ash in the area. We will see. Goodluck all
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