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Live from the stand 2021/22


Senior Member
Constitution Ohio
I'm also 100% positive that the hunting pressure has something to do with it.
If that was directed at me you may not be wrong but I have hunted 3 different properties. My home place gets hunted the most for sure. There’s only one stand though that I feel I’ve over hunted but it still produces the most sightings. Well over half of our 100 acres never gets touched. We don’t go into the clear cut hollows, opting to hunt the fringes. I’m seeing deer, just not much rut action. As far as I know we haven’t had a 140” deer on the property since July…. Which seems impossible for anywhere in Ohio, especially there with the food, cover and water provided.


Supporting Member
Ross County


Spotted this good buck from the moment I could first see, casually roaming the South field in front of me. In the photo above, he stood there for the longest time I think I've seen a deer stand, looking and smelling intensely into the woods I'm in, then just moments ago, turned and headed into the wooded area to the South side of the field, where most of the bucks bed on this side of the property.

6 deer already. 3 at the back of the field within the cup, 1 below me, and that buck plus another that met up in the middle of the field when I could first see.

I believe that buck in the photo is the same buck I saw yesterday entering the property from the West just before sunrise headed to the same place as moments ago. I'm fairly confident he is a new roamer. Beautiful tall eight and I think I will shoot him if given the opportunity. He was approximately 50 yards away in the photo above.

Still don't have my eye glasses with me so, I hope this post makes some sense.

Good luck to anyone hunting today!
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
If that was directed at me you may not be wrong but I have hunted 3 different properties. My home place gets hunted the most for sure. There’s only one stand though that I feel I’ve over hunted but it still produces the most sightings. Well over half of our 100 acres never gets touched. We don’t go into the clear cut hollows, opting to hunt the fringes. I’m seeing deer, just not much rut action. As far as I know we haven’t had a 140” deer on the property since July…. Which seems impossible for anywhere in Ohio, especially there with the food, cover and water provided.
General blank statement. I have 2 different bucks that showed up after my neighbors started hunting. We watch them from the house and haven't bumped them around. Thankful my neighbors did this and I'm guessing they aren't seeing much daylight action. Hope that our zero pressure will allow a kid a shot opportunity this weekend.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up until a couple days ago, the only chasing I saw was Oct 30. Had a few cameras showing some after dark. Generally younger bucks. Then a couple days ago it started back up.

Not due to over population in my area. We are low. I was thinking they were simply on other properties combined with some trickle rut.
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Active Member
Salesville ohio
i don’t know what you guys are experiencing in different counties but I’ll tell you this, there’s been more chasing this year than last year here in guernsey that I’ve seen compared to last. Maybe because I have more permission this year and have a better grasp on the deer herd around here but this year has been crazy. I think the lack of chasing this week is due to most mature bucks this week are tied down with does… I will also say this, even though I killed my buck November 5th, I think rut hunting is over rated. Pre and post rut is where it’s at!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Just came in. 4 deer, no bucks I haven't seen / heard any chasing . Be back out this weekend.
One of two things: bucks are paired up in lock down, or majority of breeding is done and you will soon see some cruising action looking for receptive does because they are exiting lockdown. Which is repetitive. Basically the same thing. Other option: it is happening but just not on your property.

Look at the stats. More mature deer are killed second half of November than first half. Slight uptick late Oct to early Nov. Bulk of Breeding takes place first half of November. Big boys impregnate their local ladies. Now they have to venture out to find the stragglers in second half of the month. By gun season the "second rut" gets rolling.

That's my theory based on what I've seen and read over the years. Never an absolute. Always some exceptions. But in general, that has been fairly consistent in my area.


Junior Member
Very similar for me. The first week of November was typical and I saw 3-5 year olds checking does. Since November 6th I haven’t seen anything older than 2. Very little rut activity. Now people I have been hunting with have seen mature deer doing their thing. So maybe my bad luck just hasn’t allowed me to be where the hot does have been.
same luck i've had other than seeing my target buck on the 6th and the 12th.
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Junior Member
SE Ohio
Haven’t seen as much but…
We’ve had a bunch of environmental changes around my land. New neighbors, hunting pressure- they hunted 2 weeks straight. Food source changes- farming neighbor rotated hay fields into beans & corn. My pasture/ hay is still the same. Plenty wet this year, they haven’t had to travel to pond for water 🤷‍♂️ I’m taking this as a chance to learn our new normal I guess.


Supporting Member
Ross County
I'm in, however do to the higher wind guests, I'm back in my 'Western Stand'. Don't trust the other tree I was in this mornin for this evening. I'll be able to observe any field deer action from here, although they'll be well out of bow range for me.

Hopefully they'll be hungry for some corn early.

Anyhow, I took some photographs from the South field this morning when I hiked out, to give a little more context for you all of the general area that I've been hunting over the past 10 days.

There are three stand locations that surround that field, and one that sits in between the very back, clear at the bottom of the South ridge, in between the lower CRP field and this upper South field, and I call it my 'Southern CRP Stand'.

BTW, I have my eye glasses with me now so, I can now see my cellphone screen and know for sure what the hell I'm typing.

The South field looking SE towards the cup area, about where the good buck was standing this mornin, but closer to my stand by about 15yrds.

Now looking NE, towards my 'Western Stand' location.

I attached two more standing much further West, and our huge Sicamore Tree at the very front of our property near the driveway that you could carve out a hole through it at trunk base and drive a 1/4 ton pickup through it afterwards. That's how thick that tree actually is, and we have more around here just like it on the property too.

Good luck this evening 'TOO'zers!


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