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Live from the stand 2021/22


Junior Member
Current situation…


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Senior Member
Constitution Ohio
Last sit in WV for this trip. Haven’t seen anything since first thing Thursday morning. Acorns raining down. This ridge will be hot at some point. Hope to be here when it is.
on a more disturbing note, my bow string was pulled up to the top of the sticks this morning. I’m thinking a flying squirrel wants the string for its nest. Well, that’s what I’m telling myself anyway.


Junior Member
Debated on the first morning sit of the year...wrong choices were made.View attachment 136526
That ones definitely gay Giles look at it’s right antler and left nut… He probably bring back 6 bucks tomorrow all walking around trying to figure out their gender.

I can definitely tell tho by my many of years of arm chair biology and beer drinking that ones 100 percent gay and snorts with a wisp….

Hell mY even giggle a little when ya shoot em. 😁🖕🏿🖕🏿🚬


Last sit in WV for this trip. Haven’t seen anything since first thing Thursday morning. Acorns raining down. This ridge will be hot at some point. Hope to be here when it is.
on a more disturbing note, my bow string was pulled up to the top of the sticks this morning. I’m thinking a flying squirrel wants the string for its nest. Well, that’s what I’m telling myself anyway.
Nah, he’s trying to haul it up to string across to another tree for a zipline. You know, for his non flying brethren


Junior Member
You should be! We gonna celebrate here in a little bit!!! Red cans are calling you....I hear them from here!

I wish that was the situation 😂 I got a bunch of shit to do today. Ugh .. All would have been canceled out if my plan woulda worked accordingly … Now I have no other excuse except for tomorrow.🤷🏼‍♂️ That ones sorta worn out.😂😂😂 Soo yeah life it is don’t wanna but fugg me if I don’t!😂 y’all drink up I’ll live vicariously through y’all today.

Going to a different spot this evening but my gawd the drag if it happens is going to take atleast a12 to the halfway point.

with a To be continued tomorrow.😂😂😂


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I wish that was the situation 😂 I got a bunch of shit to do today. Ugh .. All would have been canceled out if my plan woulda worked accordingly … Now I have no other excuse except for tomorrow.🤷🏼‍♂️ That ones sorta worn out.😂😂😂 Soo yeah life it is don’t wanna but fugg me if I don’t!😂 y’all drink up I’ll live vicariously through y’all today.

Going to a different spot this evening but my gawd the drag if it happens is going to take atleast a12 to the halfway point.

with a To be continued tomorrow.😂😂😂
You sound more and more like a bitter old man every day🤣


Active Member
Salesville ohio
We bailed an hour ago. She was cold, I was holding in a 5# 🐢 head, and momma got called in, so we had to go back and keep little sis company. Kid has seen 9 deer in 3 hours of hunting and spent 2+ hours watching them. Spoiled AF.
I’m with the kid. This Florida boy is cold as ice! One long sleeve microfiber and my bibs just weren’t enough so far this morning lol


Staff member
I'm investing in a good box blind in the off-season. Either buying one or building one, but I'm done messing around with regular ground blinds. We need better scent and noise control, and it'll be easier to keep them warm. Our most effective hunting should be January every year as much as it is right now. Today was proof that not holding in our scent and noise creates tense hunts when it doesn't need to be that way.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I'm investing in a good box blind in the off-season. Either buying one or building one, but I'm done messing around with regular ground blinds. We need better scent and noise control, and it'll be easier to keep them warm. Our most effective hunting should be January every year as much as it is right now. Today was proof that not holding in our scent and noise creates tense hunts when it doesn't need to be that way.
The best blind I've ever hunted out of is an old water tank.


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
I'm investing in a good box blind in the off-season. Either buying one or building one, but I'm done messing around with regular ground blinds. We need better scent and noise control, and it'll be easier to keep them warm. Our most effective hunting should be January every year as much as it is right now. Today was proof that not holding in our scent and noise creates tense hunts when it doesn't need to be that way.
Build it. It’s worth it. 8X8 is what Dustin and I built. I was fed up with the regular ground blind.


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
No wind this morning until 8:15 goes to right and then left and then right and then left….psh I’m out. No deer seen. Thought about going back out later but with rain heading up to us….nah, don’t wanna waste time. 2nd sit of the season 12 hours total, and no deer seen. Plus combine is about to start soon so I’ll prolly go one more time next week, then back out until weekend after strouds. We’ll see. Trying to play smart here and not overdo it.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
No wind this morning until 8:15 goes to right and then left and then right and then left….psh I’m out. No deer seen. Thought about going back out later but with rain heading up to us….nah, don’t wanna waste time. 2nd sit of the season 12 hours total, and no deer seen. Plus combine is about to start soon so I’ll prolly go one more time next week, then back out until weekend after strouds. We’ll see. Trying to play smart here and not overdo it.
They cutting corn or beans? If corn, get your butt out there 😂