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Live from the stand 2021/22


Active Member
Salesville ohio
Driving home tonight down a pretty busy roadway with construction going on. Past a guy running the excavator, trenching along the roadway. All of a sudden the other operator stops moving his boom. So I patiently wait thinking a truck is coming my way.. nothing for a bout two minutes. I press onward, move past the operator and see him on his phone pointing up towards the bank… and about 60 yards away on the hill is a big ol nasty looking 10 point completely mounted on a probably 80/90lb doe.. absolutely humping her😂 craziest shit I’ve ever seen! The guy must have been in awe like I was! Sorry for the drawn out story but that’s about as live from the stand as I am gonna get until Wednesday lol


Active Member
Athens County
I’m in. Bumped a couple doe bedding. Breezy.


Staff member
I'm hunting over bait and using a mechanical broadhead, so you know it's a "brown and down" mission! 😂 I'm curious about these G5 Megameats I bought for the crossbow and the girls have been all over me about tracking a deer this year, especially since Kaydence hasn't shot anything, and they missed out on tracking my buck. It's a good night to mess with one if I have to, so I grabbed the bare necessities and walked out back. Anything without antlers is in danger! I'm hunting a different county for gun season, so I'm good with tagging out here, especially with momma being VERY pregnant. My days afield are dwindling!



Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
I'm hunting over bait and using a mechanical broadhead, so you know it's a "brown and down" mission! 😂 I'm curious about these G5 Megameats I bought for the crossbow and the girls have been all over me about tracking a deer this year, especially since Kaydence hasn't shot anything, and they missed out on tracking my buck. It's a good night to mess with one if I have to, so I grabbed the bare necessities and walked out back. Anything without antlers is in danger! I'm hunting a different county for gun season, so I'm good with tagging out here, especially with momma being VERY pregnant. My days afield are dwindling!

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What blind is that