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LIVE from the stand 2024-2025!

Wiley E Coyote

Active Member
We are in! Sydney's first morning sit🦌


Junior Member
First sit of the year for me as well. So far I have seen 1 deer not sure what it was was walking in.

I’ve had a climber tree stand stole (not mine a buddies don’t use stands)

A wildlife barrel feeder and 2 trail cams . Never had anything stolen in 15 years.

I really don’t think who ever done it realizes just how stupid they are. I’m hoping tho in the near future they will.

That’s all I’m going to say about that.😂😂

anyhow congrats to all the killers . Don’t plan on shooting anything soon unless it’s something that really tickles my fancy.

To early in the Season to end it. Need a lot more woods therapy time. Best of luck to all.