Sorry to hear Jesse.
Gunner and I get to the farm this morning to find a truck parked along the road with North Carolina tags parked where I walk into my stand. I pull over and check it out and see a headlamp walking down the hollow towards my tree stand and then another in the other side of the hollow. I knew there wasn't supposed to be anybody else hunting this farm besides Gunner and I. The one headlamp turns around and starts walking towards me and asks if I know who's property I'm on! I said hell yeah I know do you? He said we aren't hunting this property just waking across it to get to property we have permission to hunt on. As I try to explain to him that he still needs permission to be on the property he turns and walks back the direction he was going to begin with. I decide to go ahead and hunt my stand until 9;00 or so and as I think about it more and more and get more and more pissed off I text the land owner and fill him in and pull my stand. The land owner is good friends with the local WO that lives a mile up the road so needless to say they aren't parking there anymore and I hope they got a fuggin ticket. On a bright note though, I rehung my stand and in less than an hour I had 3 does, one button buck, and a nice 10 point that will be a definite shooters in a year or two , under me.
View attachment 38297
TC pic of the 10