I get home and check my cam...had it pointed way high and got 356 pictures of tree rats... whatever, oops. Grab a bag of corn and head of across the yard. Happen to look left and a little doe is standing there.
Thinking she was gonna bolt I just keep walking. Put the card back in the cam, dump the bag of corn and head back to the house. Halfway up the yard it clicks that I never heard her run off. Look over and sure enough she just watching me. I go inside and tell my wife and daughter to look out the window. My daughter and wife both give me this stupid look...wife says "umm, go shoot the fucking thing" daughter says "yeah dad, are you sick".
So I go grab the crossbow and walk back out. Put it on her stupid ass and wait for her to turn. She turns and the arrow leaves the bow...clean miss as she just walks away. I go find my arrow and find out I hit way right.
I take a few shots at my target...yup, low and right. Get it dialed back in and grab an arrow with a head on it. Through the damn bag it goes and I hear it bouncing off shit in the woods. DAMN!
I walk over to give a half ass look and look over to see this BITCH standing in the corn I just put out. WTF, waiting for her little ass now...and she probably won't return. Lol
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