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Live from the stand!

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Junior Member
Greene county

Let's see what happens!!!



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I've got a couple of pretty sick kids...back in the house now as kids requested. I don't get to spend much time with them and crying sick kids asking for dad...well, I'm guessing that stupid bitch will be in my garage at some point. Just not today unless she comes back in he yard. Lol


Senior Member
Athens County
I went to a property I haven't been on for a good year. Some POS stole an POS ladder stand that's been there for 8 years. Trying not to think about it and get too fired up.

So, I was 'live from the ground' tonight. It's pretty easy to get elevated around here using the topography. I ended up really enjoying myself.

5 does on the way. Once I was dug in, I saw a nice 10. He was about 50 yards out hanging in the thick stuff and never saw him come closer. About 30 mins before dusk I saw three does hauling ass out of that same thicket but never saw him again.

Tempted to go back to same spot in the morning and digging in on the hillside over looking that thicket. Something is telling me he'll be there again.

Maybe I'll start to improvise on the ground a bit.



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Gordo I always liked carving a seat onto the hillside and if done on the right spot you can even get a partial backrest lol



*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
No recovery on the buck. Got out at sunrise and walked close to 6 miles. Walked all the field edges, thickets, bushy areas...looked around dead falls... you get the idea. Round 11:00 I got a call.from.a buddies who had just stuck his first bow kill. He didn't come out and ask for help, but I could tell he needed it so I helped him recover a nice doe. Gotta hand it to him, his first year bowhunting and he goes with a recurve from the ground. Put a great shot on her too, bother lungs and clipped the liver.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm perplexed. Sat in what "should have been" an awesome spot. Unless you want to count the 3-4 deer I busted that were bedded 15-20yds from my stand, I only saw one deer. He was a good quarter mile away or more. Small buck.


Coshocton, OH
I went to a property I haven't been on for a good year. Some POS stole an POS ladder stand that's been there for 8 years. Trying not to think about it and get too fired up.

So, I was 'live from the ground' tonight. It's pretty easy to get elevated around here using the topography. I ended up really enjoying myself.

5 does on the way. Once I was dug in, I saw a nice 10. He was about 50 yards out hanging in the thick stuff and never saw him come closer. About 30 mins before dusk I saw three does hauling ass out of that same thicket but never saw him again.

Tempted to go back to same spot in the morning and digging in on the hillside over looking that thicket. Something is telling me he'll be there again.

Maybe I'll start to improvise on the ground a bit.



Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
I had that big 8 pointer on my corn 25 yards and i drew back my bow halfway he looked TOO my blind and went away but he didnt see me in the blind. Fuck man lol. He was a big fugger. Im going back tomorrow morning. I didnt hear him walk up so i went ahead to unzip the blind on right side so when i see him walk up i will draw back and wait for him TOO eat the corn in front of me tomorrow morning hopefully
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I had that big 8 pointer on my corn 25 yards and i drew back my bow halfway he looked TOO my blind and went away but he didnt see me in the blind. Fuck man lol. He was a big fugger. Im going back tomorrow morning. I didnt hear him walk up so i went ahead to unzip the blind on right side so when i see him walk up i will draw back and wait for him TOO eat the corn in front of me tomorrow morning hopefully

Uggghhh. Even when it doesn't work out, it is one heckuva rush though! Glad you had an up close encounter Chad!
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