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Live from the stand!

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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Seen a doe and a small buck in the yard this morning. No chasing or even interest in each other. Dad took a swing at the doe...and somehow missed. I think it being inside 10 yards of him scared him, lol. I tried to take my wife into shooting the buck. That didn't work... I better go to McDonald's to get us some food, we're all gonna starve to death at this rate.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Well ended up seeing two deer a while back. The problem was that the neighboring hunter was in between me and them. I could tell there where two but couldn't make both out. They where on his property, so I'm just watching the whole thing through my binos. He lets a arrow fly and I'm not sure what happened. About 5 minutes later I see a nice 9 walking from neighbors property in to the filed I'm looking over about 80 yds away. I glass him and realize that his guts are hanging out right in front of his hind quarter and the arrow is still out the other side. I watched him walk all the way across that field. Thought he was going to drop a couple times. Made across the next tree line and into the CRP where I assume he bedded.

I'm hunting till noon then going to try and make contact with the other hunter so he can retrieve his buck.



Junior Member
Wayne County
Just ate my lunch in the tree ..seen a shooter at 10 but was out about 60yds try to grunt at him and he paid no attention...I'm at 5 doe and 4 bucks hope this wind dies down


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Back in the saddle again. I didn't have to go looking for them. I saw them starting to search, o I just climbed down and went to them. Took them right to him. He was still alive so he had to shoot him again to finish him off. Got my Jeep and hauled it to his truck where he could get him field dressed.

The wind has really picked up here.
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