Lumber head 75
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Yes antler insanity app.. Love it!!
I have it too, it's a great tool.
Yes antler insanity app.. Love it!!
I missed a doe Monday night. I saw 2 on Sunday but did not have a shot. (downwind by the way and the smoker did it's job). Monday I went in early and cut a new shooting lane. 2 does came in around 6pm and I stopped the big one in the lane with a grunt. It happened fast enough I didn't have time to range the shot. The deer was on an old logging road I pre-ranged at 32 yards so I put my 30 yard pin right in the middle of her chest and let it fly. She ducked the string just enough and the arrow went right over her back. Close enough so I think I gave her a little haircut. When I went to get my arrow I ranged it back to my tree and it was 27 yards not 32. The road was 5 yards wide and she was standing on the edge of the road closest to my stand. I figure I made 2 mistakes here. 1) I did not pay attention to which side of the road she was on. 5 yards can make a huge difference in shot placement. 2) I did not account for her ability to crouch at the sound of the string. This lowered her vitals just enough so I shot right over her back. I should have put the pin behind the shoulder and aimed for a heart shot. When she ducked the arrow still would have double lunged her. Rookie mistake. I was pretty pissed at myself right after because I should have known better. Oh well. I did not hunt last night but the wind is right tonight so I'll be back out there. Hopefully I didn't spook those two does out of the area for good.I'm at it again this morning.. Nicked a doe yesterday at my other farm.. She was only 27yds but after the miss I went home and shot my target at 30yds and I was hitting 6in low.. That explains why I gave her belly a hair cut.. Oh well trying for redemption today!