Back when I used to shoot a compound, I always had great results with Slick Tricks. They're durable, fly great, and came pretty sharp. My outlook on broadheads has changed a lot over the past few years. I killed a lot of deer early on with Muzzy's, but man those things were weak and disposable. They were wrecked after a deer. Slick Trick's opened my eyes a bit to how much more durable a head could be. Lately, sharpness and the ability to sharpen heads has become a higher priority for me. I can promise you I've shot heads in the past that were nowhere near sharp enough compared to how sharp I've gotten heads the past few seasons.
The bow gets the arrow there, but once it's there, that head needs to do its job. And it's nice if it survives and is reusable. You're spending a lot of cash on these things, they shouldn't be fire-and-forget items. I've used some mechanicals in the past, I never trusted them and I still don't. Fixed blades are always fixed. Spend wisely!