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Looking to buy coyotes

Ken burns

I don't understand why. People think I'm bluffing. If you guys like tearing up 50$ , $100 bills. Then jokes on yall


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I don't understand why. People think I'm bluffing. If you guys like tearing up 50$ , $100 bills. Then jokes on yall

Hi. Welcome to TOO. The skepticism would come from offering 3x market value on eastern coyote for green pelts. I mean there's not much to lose really except the time spent skinning and shipping the damn thing. But it might help if you were to elaborate of what's justifying the price on your end and why you wouldn't just go buy a finished tanned pelt for the same price.

Ken burns

I want the coyotes Whole cause alot of people say they can do and then dont deliver. As far as skinning .
Also everybody skins them and cuts the damn Iegs off they look way better on (imo) I don't shoot alot of deer or preds. And actually enjoy art if skinning. Giles. Seems like a great guy and wish we could work something out . I offered fair prices and thought we could have worked something out. Seems like you guys don't like money down that way (imo)

Ken burns

Ok just double checking cause seems everyone's busting my balls thinks I'm spam or scamming someone? Even tho I'm the one reaching out and paying lmao smh


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I want the coyotes Whole cause alot of people say they can do and then dont deliver. As far as skinning .
Also everybody skins them and cuts the damn Iegs off they look way better on (imo) I don't shoot alot of deer or preds. And actually enjoy art if skinning. Giles. Seems like a great guy and wish we could work something out . I offered fair prices and thought we could have worked something out. Seems like you guys don't like money down that way (imo)

Nobody has said you're scamming anyone or that people aren't willing to sell them to you. There's an old saying about people and their money and I'm sure you can find what you're looking for here.

It still begs the question why you'd be willing to buy green pelts for more than you'd pay for more desirable western pelts on eBay already tanned.

Ken burns

Cause I live in the east man not the west. That's like whiteails vs mulies.idk not big deal just preference eastern look better to me westerns look like wolves. .online the are like 150 tanned
I get them tanned commercially and beautifullys at that for 25 if I buy them for 50-100 normal ones I'm talking not black or blonde or Giants lol I'm still at the same.

Plus all coyote furs are bought for the belly furr not so much the hide. The westerns have longerr belly fur and not so much hides. I like the easterns cause it's cold and. The hides are thick and beautiful . Atleast up here in NY. Nobody has. Sent me any pictures yet

Ken burns

Gotta freeze it for 3 days prior to shipping so it's solid ball. Put newspaper or. Old towel in bottom of a other plastic bag (I use the thick black contractor bags) and double bag with few ice packs . Outside the bag with yote and inbetween the new double bag. Tape shut. Mail out always on Monday am ups

Sounds confusing but pretty simple alot easier than skinning a yote as far as prep for drop off.
Might cost a few bucks (per dog) for plastic bags and newspaper (or free ones) and a box (at ups, unless you already have one.

Also I have offered to drive half way which is like 2.5 hours to pick up a load of 10 dogs. 3 or 4 best ones whole and others. Skinned with back pads and claws attached. Front cut off at knucke. For $500 cash


Well-Known Member
Nw oh
Just a lot ?s running through people's heads. I'm sure u can get want you are looking for. No trappers live your way? Or fur buyers? There's only few number of people that even sell fur anymore due to crap prices just do it cause they love it. Wondering why you'd have to come all the way to Ohio??? Just doesn't make since to most here......someone will hook you up but just the ?s have people wondering......

Ken burns

Well if the trappers trap cause they ljvebit thiers a passion I have and live about beautiful dogs. .
Not many around here and if there is they are very very domesticated and elusive. Nobody by me. Traps .. maybe some people I'm my further up. In adironaks or lake George but that's over 8 hours I believe . Ohio is 5. I am on another forum and. People do this all the time.

Ken burns

Alot of people buy them to. Taxidermy and mount too them they just sell the mounts. This is for all animals ,furs, teeth, bones, I could sell it all but honestly I live dogs and want some damn dogs it's so easy there I just don't get why. Nobody is jumping on this money train . Is TOO. Made up of all rich millionaires.? Seriously. Grants and bemjiamns you guys seem to all throw away