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Mason made a video...

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Brock, what broad head was mason shooting?
Schwacker. He got good penetration, it just smacked the offside shoulder and bounced back. I had one do that in Kentucky 20 years ago and it happened so fast I thought it only went in a couple inches. And that deer was 1/4 away hard. I ahot him just in front of the hip, went through everything and bounced back off the offside shoulder. It happens fast. He has a video posting tomorrow. In that one he shoot’s a doe w a his new black widow and a Simmons head that Boarhead sent him. Those things are chopping axes. 😀


*Supporting Member*
Deer age .com
Awesome video. I just commented on Masons page on YT as well. You guys just crush it together - when you both are together. Sharing the moment. Talking about other deer. It reminds me of me and my cousin to a T. I hope me and Bryce have that connection someday as well.

as for deer age - I have sent a pile of teeth to them and I just love that website. I’ve helped a few buddies as well- with sending their in. I can’t wait to see the results!!
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Senior Member
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Central Ohio
That was good stuff!! Well done Mason!!
