I don't think there is a way to pattern deer. At least not to a point where I think they will show up at a certain spot at a certain time. From hunting open country so long, I know how often they will change direction and sometimes for no specific reason. I've seen them a hundred times start across a field and a dog will bark or a farmer will start a tractor, whatever... It doesn't take much to make a deer decide where he was headed is not where is wants to be. It seems to be a crapshoot to me, but it may just be that I don't have the understanding of deer that some do. I don't understand for example, why it is that there is a 160" typical ten that shows up every year on Sean's place about the 15th of November and stays for a week, only to be non-existent for the next 51 weeks. There are bucks that live there almost year 'round, and disappear during the rut and return in late season. There is no way those deer are on that property and not getting their picture taken...there are BEC's running 24/7 all over the place! My property in Fayette will not have a decent buck on it all year, but around Halloween and lasting for two weeks, there will be maybe a dozen from 140-world class come through. No idea where they come from or where they go. They are deer, and they do things I will never understand. I gave up trying to figure out that puzzle a long time ago 'cause it will drive ya nuts! These days, I hunt funnels knowing that something good will eventually come by. It takes a lot of the frustration out of the thing for me.
BTW, Mike Rex has a truck load of dead deer that were killed miles from where they were last seen or photographed. I'm sure a lot of you guys are the same way. If you could figure out how or why they go from one place to another and put it in a book, I'll buy the first edition!