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Micro SD card issues


Active Member
Can anybody relate to this? My three Spypoint CellLink's all have a microSD card in them for storage before they are uploaded. My best-producing camera, of course, gave me a card error a few days ago. The last thing I wanted to do was go in there, intrude on the area, and pull it...but I did today. I tried fixes while I was there in the woods with my laptop and a small digital camera to try to format the microSD, and none of them have worked. Still struggling with it at home. At this point, I'm about to order a new card and trash the old one.

And of course that area was littered in deer sign. Fresh rubs, they've hit the mock scrape I created, piles of shit every few feet...and I had to barge in there to take down the damn camera today. Not pleased. Is there anything else I can try to get this card formatted? It's like my PC and camera don't even see it, and I have tried multiple adapters and readers. Am I missing anything?
I just had a normal SD card fail with 2 weeks of pictures on it. I tried every hack to get it to read but no luck. I thought it may be the reader so grabbed an external reader and still won't read. Picked up new cards and back in action.


Active Member
Can you move one of your other cameras in its place while you get it figured out?

Unfortunately I didn't have any other CellLink's nearby. I've got a couple of cards on order, it feels like I'm at a roadblock until I get a new card. I can't find anything else in the house that uses one. Believe me, I've checked a lot this afternoon!
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Active Member
What cards are you using? Many trailcams are picky about what brand cards you use. Spypoint its pretty much SanDisk only

This was a Spypoint card. I’m sure it’s another brand they slap their name on. And the card was fine in that unit for 2+ years. It had been in use this year since early August with no issues then poof.


Supporting Member
Ross County, Ohio
I'd just replace them with whatever micro card size and type the camera manufacturer recommends for it. Like what others have said, most any type of memory card have specific read/write specifications for different types of applications. Most may work in any kind of trail camera, however try to use one with whatever specs your trail camera recommends to hopefully get the best long lasting life/results for it.

All memory cards are quite vulnerable to weather climates too, despite how weather proof a camera unit may be. I always take new spare cards with me every time when doing TC SD swaps, just in case one went bad, and it does happen from time to time.

I use micro cards inside my thermal monoscope and my tactacam camera that attaches to any of my hunting weapons to capture my hunts. All other memory cards are the standard 32meg Scandisk SD type, but of the higher quality for increased read/write speed capability.

SD cards just simply go bad from time to time. Keep spares with you when swapping cards.

I started using TCs ever since 2015. My experience with them may be much less than most, however I believe from technical standpoint, I have a real good grip on what it takes to keep my TCs running 24/7/365 over the past seven years around my place.

Good luck to ya!
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
If formatting doesn't fix the issue, I replace them. Preventatively, when I switch my cards to review pictures, I always format the incoming card before making the camera active. Ever since I started doing this, I haven't had SD card failure Issues.
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Junior Member
I feel ya I’ve had the same problem myself this year for some reason with regular Sd cards. I ended up ordering all new ones. Wouldn’t format wasn’t locked dunno Ugh… Really frustrating having cams out for month to find out absolutely nothing. No pics etc etc…..

Off topic but I also had trail cams that was saying no Sd card in slot when Sd card was in it.

Also had one camera that screen was blue couldn’t see time or date what not on inside of camera.

I blew out the Sd card port with air . Fixed both issues.

🤷🏼‍♂️ Hope maybe this may help someone.
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