Can anybody relate to this? My three Spypoint CellLink's all have a microSD card in them for storage before they are uploaded. My best-producing camera, of course, gave me a card error a few days ago. The last thing I wanted to do was go in there, intrude on the area, and pull it...but I did today. I tried fixes while I was there in the woods with my laptop and a small digital camera to try to format the microSD, and none of them have worked. Still struggling with it at home. At this point, I'm about to order a new card and trash the old one.
And of course that area was littered in deer sign. Fresh rubs, they've hit the mock scrape I created, piles of shit every few feet...and I had to barge in there to take down the damn camera today. Not pleased. Is there anything else I can try to get this card formatted? It's like my PC and camera don't even see it, and I have tried multiple adapters and readers. Am I missing anything?
And of course that area was littered in deer sign. Fresh rubs, they've hit the mock scrape I created, piles of shit every few feet...and I had to barge in there to take down the damn camera today. Not pleased. Is there anything else I can try to get this card formatted? It's like my PC and camera don't even see it, and I have tried multiple adapters and readers. Am I missing anything?