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DEAL Millinium M-100 On sale


Staff member
Several of use have them and they are the cats ass. To fix the security issue on the bottom, buy two of the Versa buttons from Lone Wolf and one of their straps that goes with their sticks. There are two bolts used in the manufacturing process that can be removed and the Versa buttons are installed throw those holes. Fluteman can give you the specs for the hardware. Once you do this, it's a solid a stand as you can get and far more comfortable than any other hang on I've ever been in. I love these stands...


Big H

Senior Member
Well, I had to go back, I negotiated a price on the Summit 1.5 man 15 foot ladder stands they had, so I took two and my buddy took two. All the Milleniums are gone, I am guessing JB picked up a few of them? JB, we need to get together so I can check out any extras you have on your Millenium. Anyone interested in going up there, I was told the doors may close as early as Monday or Tuesday, so there are some great deals to be had on everything in the store.