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Missed the Deer contest Sign up.. Sign up here.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Go ahead and throw your name in the hat as an Alternate. Or once we get 5 alternates we'll form a team.. 50 post minimum still applies. If you're short, post em up and sign up.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Saddlepants, the minimum post count required for the contest is 50. I am sure you can make up the 34 post gap to get you there in no time!!!

As soon as we have 5 people with > 50 posts we will created an additional team (currently we have 11 teams with 5 members on each). We will continue to add an additional team for every 5 members that sign-up.

Therefore, anyone else not in that wants in, throw your name in this alternate list and I will create a new team as soon as we have 5.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
As soon as we get 2 more with 50 posts we will have team 12 (I have a feeling Saddlepants is going to hit the 50 post count tomorrow).


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
I would love to sign up but to be honest it would not be fair to the other 4 since I have idea when I will get off this drill site and when I do I won't be home long. Bummer! :tantrum:


The Crew
If you do not get a 5th member soon I'll throw my name in the hat.
I won't get to go out until around the 15th of October due to a boiler maintenance shut down but there is still alot of season left.


Senior Member
NE Ohio
I've been a busy boy and got a few posts in!!! :) Hoping to jump on a team if there is still one open. Good thing about rain and wind is I got a good start on the site :)