Evening all, colder than a well diggers backside.... Quick dinner and relaxing around the house too friggin cold to be outside this evening ya'll keep warm and dry... I listen to the Bob Golic show coming home from work on WNIR and usually catch his show 4 days a week, he's pretty entertaining and he has a lot of regular callers and there's a guy who calls in and he has a handicap and his speech is slow and sometimes hard to undersatnd, but he's well read and has a lot of good points and is employed and apparently rides the transit system in Akron too and from work... Well he comes home on the bus from work and gets off the bus and gets mugged by a couple of yoots in his neghborhood.... Robbed him and I guess roughed him up a little.... Man it really pizzed me off and I hope they catch the yoots and nail their butts to the wall for it.... This kid wouldn't harm a fly and these punks gotta rough him up and take his money... That's my rant for the evening.....
Morning all... better get your hunting in within the next couple days. Dem weather dudes are calling for some nasty weather starting Sunday. Then seriously cold temps beginning next week.